Dated 5.7.2009 during evening time
The Arya Samaj Jamnagar in association with Jamnagar Patrakar (Press) Sangathan have conducted the Vrishti Yajna to help the atmosphere for early rain.
Due to difficiency rain in the saurashtra region, the Vrishti Yajna is very essential to attract rain from the cloud.
Shree Kanak Sinh Jadeja (Mayor), Shree Bipinbhai Zhaveri (Advocate), Shree Harinder bhat Batalwal (Corporation Standing committee’s chairman), Meraman Bhattu ( Jilla Shikshan talim bhavan), Prafulla Ba Jadeja (P.S.T. branch chairman), Shree Harshaben shah (Principal Dayanand Kanya Vidyalaya H.S.), Shree Pramilaben Pitroda (Principal Dayanand Kanyavidyalaya Primary). All the staff of school, all the members of aryasamaj and complete patrakar sangathan of Jamnagar were present during full time of yajna

Avinash M. Bhatt
Aryavidhyasabha Jamnagar |
Dharamveer K. Khanna
Aryasamaj &
Aryavidhyasabha Jamnagar |
Satpal ji Arya
Aryasamaj jamnagar |
Address : "Aryasamaj
Mandir" Out side Khambhaliya Gate,
Aryasamaj Marg,
Jamnagar - 5.
Phone : 91-288-2550220
website : www.aryasamajjamnagar.org |