of Page:
Introduction |
A word to
the seeker of truth. |
towards non-muslims. |
The absurdity
of Judgment Day. |
Favor and
disfavor of Allah. |
The arrogance
of Allah praising his own book. |
Allah�s actions
more devilish than godly. |
Stones prepared
for the unbelievers. |
The paradise
of Islam is no better than this world. |
angels to impress upon them his (Allah�s) greatness. |
Allah was
not omniscient. |
Allah not
free from prejudice. |
If book already
given to Moses, the Q'uran is meaningless. |
If the dead
were raised in the past, why not now? |
Was Allah
sitting idle before creation?. |
The Q'uran
a mere echo of the Bible. |
Allah, jealous
and malevolent? |
All things
which are against the laws of nature are false.
Only Allah
has enemies. |
If Allah
is in every direction why Muslims face only Mecca? |
Out of nothing,
nothing can come |
Were there
no places sacred before Kaaba? |
Are Muslims,
idol-worshippers too? |
Slaying non-muslims
and innocent animals to be on Allah�s path. |
Fasting copied
from Hinduism. |
Losing political
supremacy in their fight for cause for Allah. |
Women are
pollution? |
The author
of the Q�uran knew neither Astronomy nor Geography. |
Allah is
nothing else but a tyrant |
a brothel? |
Islam, true
religion? |
Muslims are
embodiments of bigotry and ignorance. |
Allah, the
great deceiver. |
and Allah were both pugnacious. |
Allah�s omnisciency
in doubt, keeps memorandum. |
The height
of prejudice. |
"Birds of
a feather flock together." |
The Q�uran
promotes sinful conduct. |
an imposter |
Allah is
also not omnipresent. |
Allah should
be spoken to aloud or not |
Allah destitute
of compassion? |
Is Allah
all-pervading? |
holding out baits for the ignorant. |
A terrible
blot on Godhead? |
Allah ignorant
of physics? |
Allah beguiles
people? |
Why are there
infidels when he sent apostles to all people? |
What an injustice
of Allah! |
There can
be no delay in the administration of Justice.
Rebirth of
souls constitutes true doctrine. |
of the Q�uran must be illiterate. |
Did Allah,
himself send the devil to incite the innocent? |
Can the inanimate
adore God? |
This mode
of meting out justice is as bad as doing injustice. |
The Qoran
disturbs the peace of the world and fosters discord.
Other books
sent down by Allah before the Q�uran. |
Does God
create by the caprice of His Will? |
Is Allah
limited by space like man? |
A father-in-law
lusting after his daughter-in-law. |
Is Allah
subject to pain? If the Qoran
were the work of God, how could He swear by it?
of alcohol forbidden on earth, but not in Paradise.
What is not
eternal, must perish. |
It is unjust
to forgive sins. |
Is this your
almight Allah? |
some women to life of sterility.
He sent Jesus
whose teachings oppose the Q�uran. |
Is the earth
stationary? |
Allah a servant
of Muhammad? |
What a �remarkable�
sense of justice! |
A day whose
length is fifty thousand years? |
The sun and
moon together? |
Sexual intercourse
in Paradise? |
Can the sun
be folded up? |
Does Allah
ride a camel? |
Was the Q�uran
revealed in one night? |
The Q�uran
is neither the worked of God nor an intelligent
person. |
the Muhammad prophesied in the Vedas? |
Back to contents
PAGE 649
the fourteenth chapter of this book we have discussed
the Mohammedan (Islam) religion. Our criticism against
the Qoran is based directly on the teachings of the Qoran
itself and not on those of any other book. Thought differences
of opinion with regard to the interpretation of certain
words and verses do exist among he Mohammedans - they
being split up into so many sects -, yet all are agreed
as regards the revealed character of the Qoran.
Qoran, which is written in the Arabic language, has
been translated into Urdu by distinguished Mohammedan
scholars. This translation was rendered into bhasha
and transcribed in Devanagari character and was
then corrected by eminent Arabic scholars. Anyone questioning
the accuracy of our translation should first prove the
translation done by those Mohammedan scholars to be
incorrect before sitting down to find faulty with us.
object aims at by this criticism is to contribute to
the elevation of the human race and enable all men to
sift truth from falsehood by giving them some idea of
the teachings of various prevalent religions, as this
will afford them opportunities for friendly discussions
- so useful in helping men to point out their defects
and to appreciate their merits.
is not our purpose to falsely condemn this or any other
religion. On the contrary what we aim at is that whatever
is true should be recognized as such and whatever is
false should be condemned as such, so that no one should
be in a position to palm off untruth for truth or hinder
the progress of truth. One is, of course, free to accept
truth or for the matter of that even refuse to do so
after it has been published; compulsion being impossible
in such matters. Good men will, as a rule, after they
have realized their merits and demerits, imbibe good
reject bad ones and eradicate bigotry and prejudice
and wherever found. Who does not know something of the
prodigious amount of evil that has been wrought by bigotry?
The truth is that it is unworthy of a human being to
injure others and throw away his own chance of happiness
in this uncertain and transient life.
case the good reader comes across, in this criticism,
anything contrary to facts, it is hoped he will point
it out and we shall make the suggested changes if called
for, since this criticism is designed to diminish bigotry,
obstinacy, jealously, malice, hatred, and (love of )
useless wrangling and not to promote them.
is our first and foremost duty to avoid injuring others
and to further the well-being of each other. We lay
this criticism on the Mohammedan religion before all
lovers of truth in the hope that they, after having
gone carefully through it, accept what appeals to their
reason and common sense and discard what is repugnant
to them.
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Now we shall examine (the doctrines of) the Mohammedan
"(I begin this book) In the name of God, the Compassionate,
the Merciful." (1*:1.)
~ The Mohammedans claim that this Q�uran is the Word
of God, but it appears from the above passage that the
author of this book was some person other than God,
since had it been God himself, He would not have said:
"(I begin this book) in the name of God etc." He would
have, instead, said: "I write this book for the instruction
of mankind." If it be said that by beginning His book
in this fashion He means to teach men as to what they
should say when about to do a thing, it cannot be true,
since some men will do even sinful deeds in the name
of God and thereby bring disgrace on Him.
(the Mohammedan) God be merciful, why has He sanctioned
that men should inflict great suffering on other creatures
by killing them for their food? Are not these animals
innocent? Are they not His creatures? He should have
also advised men to begin only good deeds in His name
and not evil ones. Thus the passage (under discussion)
is quite ambiguous. Should even such sinful acts, as
theft, adultery, untruthfulness in speech, begun in
God's name? Very likely it is on account of this ambiguity
that the (Mohammedan) butchers etc., mutter "In the
name of God, the compassionate, the most Merciful as
the moment of cutting the throats of cows and other
is clear then that the Mohammedans do begin even evil
deeds in the name of God. The Mohammedan God can never
be called Merciful, because He shows no mercy towards
those animals (whose slaughter He sanctions). If the
Mohammedans do not know the true meaning of this passage,
its revelation is of no use
* This number refers to Sura or
Chapter. - Tr.
mankind. But if the Mohammedans interpret it differently,
we should like to know what its plain meaning is.
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2. Praise be to God, the Lord of all creatures, the
Compassionate, the Merciful." (1: 1, 2.)
~ Had the God of the Qoran been the Lord of all creatures,
and been Merciful and kind to all, He would never have
commanded the Mohammedans to slaughter men of other
faiths, and animals, etc. If He is Merciful, will He
show mercy even to the sinners? If the answer be given
in the affirmative, it cannot be true, because further
on it is said in the Qoran "Put Infidels to sword,"
in other words, he that does not believe in the Qoran
and the Prophet Mohammad is an infidel (he should, therefore,
be put to death). (Since the Qoran sanctions such cruelty
to non-Mohammedans and innocent creatures such as cows)
it can never be the Word of God.
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3. "The King of the day of judgment. Thee only do
we worship and of Thee do we beg assistance. Direct
thou us on the right path. "(1:2, 4, and 5.)
~ Does not God always administer justice. If He administers
justice only on one particular day, He does wrong. It
is right to worship Him and beg assistance of Him, but
is this equally right to invoke His assistance in doing
even evil deeds? Is the right path that of the Mohammedans
alone and not of others? Why do not the Mohammedans
tread the path which is really the right one? (We hope)
they do not regard the path that leads to evil as the
right one. If good is the same in all religions, the
Mohammedan religion can have no superiority over others.
If the Mohammedans do not believe that other religions
are just as good as their own, they are prejudiced.
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4. "The path of those whom Thou art incensed, nor
of those who go astray." (1:6, 7.)
~ Since the Mohammedans do not believe in the previous
existence of the soul, nor that it ever did any deeds
before, their God will be open to the charge of being
partial by showing favor to some and disfavor to others
inasmuch as it is quite unjust to bestow happiness on
men or subject them to pain and suffering
paying any regard to their merits and demerits. It is
also against the nature (of God) to unreasonably look
at some with mercy and others with disdain and anger.
Indeed He cannot act arbitrarily. When the souls have
done no good or bad action in their previous lives,
is it not unfair that some should receive blessings
while the others not?
commentary on this verse says: "God Himself made the
people repeat this verse with their own lips so that
they should ever do so in future." If this be the case,
God Himself must have taught them even the alphabet.
Besides, how could they read this verse without knowing
the alphabet? Or were they made to learn it by rote?
If so, the whole of the Qoran must have been taught
this book, which is so full of partiality and favoritism
(to some). Cannot be the Word of God. For instance,
the Qoran having been revealed in Arabic, it was easier
for the Arabs to learn it, than for others. The Qoran
would have been free from this defect, had it been revealed
like the Veda in a language which is altogether distinct
from all other languages and is not the mother-tongue
of any people, just as God, through His justice vouchsafed
into us all His Word, the Veda in Sanskrit which requires
the same amount of exertion from persons of all nationalities
to be mastered.
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5. "There is no doubt in this book,; it is a direction
to the pious who believed in the mysteries of faith,
who observe the appointed times of prayer, and distribute
alms out of what we have bestowed on them; and who believed
in that revelation, which hath been sent down unto thee,
and hat which hath been sent down unto the prophets
before thee, and have firm assurance in the life to
come: these are directed by their Lord and they shall
prosper. As for the unbelievers it will be equal to
them whether thou admonish them, or do not admonish
them; they will not believe - God hat sealed up their
hearts and their hearing; a dimness covereth their sight
and they shall suffer a grievous punishment." (2: 1
- 6)
~ Is it not arrogance on the part of God to praise His
own book? The revelation of the Qoran is of no use,
since the pious are already treading the right path
without extrinsic aid, while the wicked are not directed
by it. Does God provide (the Mohammedans) with necessary
cash to defray all their
out of His own treasury without any exertion on their
part or paying heed to their merits and demerits? If
He does, why does He not do the same for all? If it
is permissible to have faith also in the Bible, why
do not the Mohammedans believe in that book in the same
way as they do in the Qoran? But if they do, where is
then the necessity for the Qoran to be revealed?
it be argued that the Qoran is more comprehensive than
the Bible, it might be asked if God had forgotten to
write anything in the latter book. If He had not, it
was useless for Him to reveal the Qoran. Besides we
find that the bible and the Qoran differ so little,
in other words, they are at one with each other in most
things, it is, therefore, reasonable to ask why the
revelation was not sent down (once for all) in one (complete)
book such as the Veda?
the human soul cannot be held responsible for its sinful
or virtuous deeds since it cannot be said to be a free
actions more devilish than godly.
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6. "There is an infirmity in their hearts and God
hath increased that infirmity." (2: 9.)
~ Well did God increase their infirmity, while they
were innocent? Did He not have pity on them? They must
have suffered terribly indeed. Is not this act more
devilish than that of the Devil? To seal their hearts
and increase their infirmity could never be the work
of God inasmuch as the increase of infirmity is the
result of one's own sinful actions.
hath spread the earth as a bed for you and the heaven
as a covering." (2: 20.)
~ Well! Can the heaven a covering for anything? Now
does it not show ignorance (of the author of the Qoran)?
is absurd to believe in the sky being a covering. If
the Mohammedans believe some kind of planet to be the
heaven, it can only be the work of their own imagination.
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8. "If ye be in doubt concerning the revelation which
we have send down into our servant, produce a chapter
like unto it and call your witnesses, beside God, if
ye say truth. But if ye do it not, nor shall ever be
able to do it, justly fear the fire whose fuel is men,
and stones prepared for the unbelievers." (2:21, 22)
~ Well! Is it impossible to produce a chapter like unto
it? Did not Maulvi Fiazi in the time of king Akbar compile
a Qoran without making use of any dotted letters in
it? What kind of fire is the hell fire? Is not the fire
(of this world) to be feared? The fire of this world
also consumes anything that may be put into it.
as it is stated in the Qoran that stones have been prepared
for the non-believers, likewise it is said in the Puraanaas
that Malechhas* are doomed to hell. Now, which
of these two statements should be accepted as correct?
According to each of these, the adherents of one sect
go to hell and those of the other to heaven. Both of
these statements are therefore false. The truth is that
only the good and the virtuous will enjoy happiness,
while the wicked will be subjected to pain and suffering
which faith they may belong to.
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9. "But bear good tidings unto those who believe
and do good works that they shall have gardens watered
by rivers; so oft as they eat of the fruit thereof for
sustenance, they shall say, this is what we have formerly
eaten of; and they shall be supplied with several sorts
of fruit having a mutual resemblance to one another.
There shall they enjoy wives subject to no impurity,
and there shall they continue for ever." (2: 24.)
~ The paradise as described in the Qoran is in no respect
better than this world, because the same sort of things
that are obtainable here are to be had there. The only
exception being that men here die and are born again,
whereas this is not the case with them in paradise,
te women also here do not continue to live for ever,
whereas in paradise they do so. We should like to know
how these poor women pass their days till the day of
* Men of faiths other than that
of the Pauranic (Hindu). _Tr.
course it will be alright if the Mohammaden God extends
His helping hand to them and thereby they manage to
pass their days with comfort. Tut Tut! Tut! But this
goes to show that the paradise of the Mohammedans justly
resembles the Golak and the temple of the Gosaeens of
Gokal wherein women are valued more than men. Similarly
in the temple of God (paradise) women are valued and
loved more than men by God. They live forever in heaven
but not men. How can this arrangement last unless God
desires it? The Mohammedan God is surely in danger of
falling in love with these women!!!
angels to impress them of his (Allah.s) greatness.
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10. "And he taught Adam the names of all things,
and then propose them to the angels, and said, "Declare
unto me the names of these things if ye say truth."
God said, "O Adam, tell them their names" and when he
had told them their names, God said, "Did I not tell
you that I know the secrets of heaven and earth and
know that which ye discover, and that which ye conceal."
~ Could God ever deceive His angels in this way in order
to impress them with His Greatness? It was an act of
sheer imposture on His part. No enlightened man could
ever believe such a thing of God, nor would he display
such hauteur. Was it by these means that God wanted
to display His supernatural powers? Such quackery can
only flourish among the savages but not among the civilized.
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11. "And when we said unto the angels, worship Adam,
they all worshipped him except Eblis (Satan), who refused,
and was puffed up with pride and became of the number
of the unbelievers." 2: 32.)
~ This indicates that the Mohammedan God was not Omniscient
i.e., He was not cognizant of the three periods of time
- the past, the present, and future. Had he been Omniscient,
He would not have created Satan. Nor was God All-powerful,
since when Satan deliberately refuse to obey Him he
could do nothing against him. Now if only one infidel
(Satan), could trouble God so much as to render Him
helpless what will He and His votaries do when they
will have to cope with millions (according to their
own belief) of infidels? God increased infirmity in
some and let others astray. He must have learnt such
things from Satan and Satan from God.
"And we said, O Adam, dwell thou and thy wife in the garden,
and eat of the fruit thereof plentifully wherever ye will;
but approach not this tee, lest ye become of the number
of the
But Satan caused them to forfeit paradise, and turned
them out of the state of happiness wherein they had
been, whereupon we said, Get down, one of you shall
be an enemy unto the other; and there shall be a dwelling
place for you on earth, a provision for a season. And
Adam learned words of prayer for His Lord and then came
down to earth." (2: 33 - 35.)
~ This indicates that God was not omniscient inasmuch
as He one moment blesses Adam saying "Dwell thou�. In
the garden" and in the next turns them out. Had He been
cognizant of the future, He would not have blessed him
at all? It also appears that God was powerless to punish
Satan, the tempter.
God plant that tree for Himself or for others? If it
was for others He should not have prevented them (Adam
and his wife) from tasting the fruit thereof. God could
never do such things, nor could they be ever found in
His book. What were the words Adam leant from God and
how did Adam come down on earth? Is the paradise somewhere
in the sky or on some hill? Did Adam fly sown like a
bird or fall down like a stone?
appears that there is dust in paradise since Adam was
made of dust. Angels too like Adam must also have been
made of dust inasmuch as bodily organs cannot be made
without dust (earthly material) but the body made of
dust, must perish. Hence if the angels are also subject
to death, one should like to know where they go after
death. On the other hand if they do not die, they could
not have been born, but if they were born, they would
surely die. If this be the case, the statement of the
Qoran that women in paradise live for ever cannot be
valid inasmuch as they must also die. It follows, therefore,
that all those who go to heaven will also die.
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13. "Dread the day wherein one soul shall not make
satisfaction for another soul, neither shall any intercession
be accepted from them, nor shall any compensation be
received, neither shall they be helped." (2: 48)
~ Should we not dread the present? One should dread
evil doing on all days. If it be true that no intercession
will be accepted, how can this statement be reconciled
with the belief of
Mohammedan that they will go to paradise through the
intercession of the Prophet? Does God help only those
who are in paradise and not those who are in hell? If
it is so, God is not free from prejudice.
Q�uran is meaningless if the book was already given
to Moses.
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14. "We gave Moses the book and the miracles. We
said unto them, be ye changed into scouted apes. And
we made them an example unto those who were contemporary
with them and unto those who came after them, and a
warning to the pious." (2:53.)
~ if the book was given to Moses, the revelation of
the Qoran becomes meaningless. Both Qoran and the Bible
assert that Moses was endowed with miraculous powers,
but it is absolutely incredible, inasmuch as no man
can work miracles now-a-days, and what cannot be done
in our day, could never have been done in the past.
must have resorted to hypocrisy in the same way as the
selfish impose upon the credulity of the ignorant at
the present time. Now why does not God endow anyone
with miraculous powers when both He and His devotees
exist in our day. Where was the necessity of sending
down the Qoran when God had already given Moses a book?
If the teachings about dong good and abstaining from
evil are the same in the Bible and Qoran, the sending
down of two different books was nothing but a mere repetition
of the same. Again, did God forget to record something
in the book given to Moses that He had to send down
another book later on?
either what God said regarding their (transgressors')
being changed into scouted apes in order to make an
example for others never came to pass or He must have
resorted to trickery.
does such things cannot be God, nor can the book containing
them be divine in origin.
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15. "So God raiseth the dead to life, and shows you
his signs, that per adventure ye may understand." (2:
~ If God raised the dead to life (in the past), why
does He not do so now? Will they all remain lying in
their graves till the day of judgment? Is your God on
tour in these days (that He cannot find time to administer
justice)? Are these (raising the
etc.) the only proofs (of the existence) of God? Are
not the earth, the sun, and the moon, etc., His signs?
Is the wonderful design so manifestly seen existing
in the world of no significance?
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16. "They shall never continue to be the companions
of paradise. (2:75)
~ As the soul is finite, its deeds - good or bad - cannot
be infinite. It cannot, therefore be sent to an everlasting
hell or heaven. Should God do so, His justice will be
destroyed, or would He be considered and an enlightened
Being. If there is one judgment day for all souls, their
virtuous and sinful acts must be equal. Human deeds
being finite their fruits - reward or punishment - cannot
be infinite.
Mohammedans believe that the world had been in existence
for less than or eight thousand years. One should like
to know if God was sitting idle before Creation and
will do the same after the day of judgment. These are
all childish things, because God is ever active and
awards every soul reward or punishment in proportion
to the nature and amount of its virtuous and sinful
feeds. Hence what the Qoran teaches (on the subject)
is not right.
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17. " And when we made a covenant with you that ye
should not you�re your own blood, nor expel one another
from your abodes, then ye ratified it and yourselves
were witnesses. Then were ye the very persons who slew
one another; and ye drove out a part of your own people
form their abodes." )2: 78, 79.)
~ Is the making of covenants the work of man, possessed
of finite powers, or of God? God being Omniscient cannot
behave like an ordinary man. Now what kind of virtue
is this to consider it wrong to shed the blood of one's
brethren or to dispossess them of their houses, but
to regard it commendable to shed the blood of others
and dispossess them of their houses? It is merely the
result of folly and prejudice to believe in such things.
Did not God know it before hand that men would act against
their covenant? It appears from this that the Mohammedan
God has many attributes in common with the God of the
Christians and that the Qoran is not an independent
book in itself, and with a few exceptions it is a mere
echo of the Bible.
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18. "These are they who purchase this present life
at the price of that which is to come: their torment
shall not be lightened, neither shall be helped." (2:
~ Can God ever act so jealously and malevolently? Who
are those whose sins will be remitted or who will helped?
If they are sinners whose sins will be remitted without
any punishment being inflicted on them, then God's justice
will be destroyed. If their sins will be remitted after
they have undergone punishment for them, the men referred
to in the verse will have also to suffer punishment
for their sins.
if the remission of sins refers to those men who are
pious, they by virtue of their pious life have no sins
to be remitted, what will God remit then? One naturally
infers from this that whoever uttered these words was
not an enlightened person. In fact, the righteous and
the unrighteous should be awarded reward - happiness
or punishment - sorrow and suffering - according to
the nature of their deeds - virtuous or sinful.
things that are a breach to the laws of nature are
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19. "Moreover, to Moses gave we "The Book" and we,
raised up apostles after him; and to Jesus, son of Mary,
gave we clear proofs of his mission, and strengthened
him by the Holy Spirit. So oft then as an apostle cometh
to you with that which your souls desire not, swell
ye with pride, and treat some as imposters, and slay
others." (2: 81)
~ When the Qoran bears witness to this that God gave
the book of law to Moses, it is incumbent on Mohammedans
to believe it. All the defects found therein, will therefore,
be regarded as those of the Muslim religion itself.
The story of miracles seems to have been connocted with
a view to play upon the credulity of simple and ignorant
people. All things which are against the laws of nature
are false. If miracles could be wrought in those days,
why can't they be done now-a-days? If not miracles can
be worked now, it is certain that none were wrought
in days gone by.
"Although they had before prayed for victory over those
who prayed not - yet when that Qoran came to them, of
which they had knowledge, they did not recognize it.
The curse of God is on the infidels!" (2: 83.)
~ You call men professing other religions infidels,
while they do the same to you, and their God curses
you in the same way. Now will you please tell us which
of the two should be considered right and which wrong?
On reflection it is clear that there are errors in all
kind of God would have enemies?
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21. "Whoso is an enemy to God or his angels or to
Gabriel, or to Michael, shall have God for his enemy,
for verily God is an enemy to infidels." (2: 92.)
~ Where does this host of partners come from, if, as
the Mohammedans say, God is one without a partner? Is
he who is an enemy to others also an enemy to God? This
can never be true, since God is an enemy to none.
"And say forgiveness; and we will pardon you your sins,
give an increase to the doers of good." (2:55)
~ Does not this (so-called) Divine teaching encourage
people to live sinful lives? Why should one fear sin
when he is given the promise of redemption? He that
gives such a promise cannot be God, nor can a book that
inculcates such a doctrine be the Word of God. God can
never do injustice, but if He pardons the sinners, He
renders Himself unjust.
"And when Moses asked drink for his people, we said
"strike the rock with thy rod;" and from it there gushed
twelve fountains." (2:57)
~ Now can anyone (except the Mohammedan God) utter such
impossibilities? It is absolutely impossible to believe
that twelve springs could gush forth on striking a rock
with a rod, unless it had been hollowed out in the center
and filled with water and twelve holes bored therein.
"But God will show his special mercy to whom He will."
~ Does God show His special mercy to those who do not
deserve it? If He does, He works great mischief, for
all men will become indifferent to the practice of virtue.
No one will then lead a virtuous life and hate sin,
since His mercy depends upon His (arbitrary) will and
not upon one's deeds.
"People may not, out of malice, try to turn you away
from your religion, for there are among them many a
friend of the faithful." (2:101.)
~ Now behold! God Himself put them on their guard lest
the infidels should turn them away from their faith.
Is not God omniscient? Such things cannot be true of
Allah is in every direction why Muslims face only
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26. "Whichever way ye turn, there is the face of
God." (2:109.)
~ If this is true, why do the Mohammedans turn their
face towards Qibla (i.e., the sacred Mosque at Mecca)?
If it be argued that they have been commanded to do
so, to answer that they have also been permitted to
turn their face in whatever direction they choose. Not
which of these two (contradictory statements) should
be held to be true. If God has a face, it can only be
in one direction and not in all directions at one and
the same time.
of nothing, nothing can come.
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27. "Sole Maker of the Heavens and the Earth! And
when He decreeth a thing, He only saith to it, "Be"
it is." (2:111.)
~ Now who heard God when He said "Be"? whom did He address
that word and what came into being? Where from did this
world come into existence when it is written in the
Qoran that nothing but God existed before Creation?
No effect can be produced without cause. How could He
have then created this vast universe without (material)
cause. You cannot even make one leg of a fly, how can
you then believe that God create this world by the flat
of His Will.
- God is Almighty. He can do whatever He wills
~ What does the word Almighty mean?
It means that He can do whatever He likes.
~ Can He create another God? Can He die? Can He become
ill, ignorant or destitute of knowledge?
He cannot.
~ It is proved then that God cannot do any thing against
His Own nature, attributes and characteristics or against
those of others (matter and the soul). Three things
are essential for the production of an effect:-
- The
(Efficient Cause) Maker, such as the potter in the
case of the pot.
- The
Material Cause, such as clay.
- The
instruments where with to make an object like a pot.
just as the potter, clay and the necessary instruments
must exist before the pot can be manufactured, likewise,
God, and prakrati - the material cause of the
Universe - with their inherent
attributes and characteristics must have existed before
this Universe came into being. Hence what the Qoran
says on Creation is altogether absurd.
there no places sacred before Kaaba?
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28. "When we decreed that the Kaba is sacred, you
should go to Abraham's place for prayers." (2: 117.)
Had not God appointed sacred place before He sanctified
Kaba? If he had, where was the necessity for consecrating
Kaba? But if He had not it is indeed a pity that those
who were born before that period had to go without a
holy place. Perhaps it had not struck God to consecrate
a place like Kaba before that.
And who but he that hath debased his soul to folly will
dislike the faith of Abraham, when we have chosen him
in this world, and in the world to come he shall be
of the Just." (2:124.)
~ Now can it ever be true that he who does not like
the faith of Abraham is a fool? Why did God choose Abraham
alone ( as the founder of the true faith)? If he did
so on account of his being very religious, there were
many others who were as religious as he, why did He
not choose them as (His prophets)? But if he chose him
because he was irreligious, He acted unjustly. It is
quite true that is only the righteous who are loved
by God and not others.
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"We have seen thee turning towards every part of
Heaven; but we will have thee turn to Kibla which shall
please thee. Turn then thy face towards the sacred Mosque,
and wherever ye be, turn your face, towards that part."
2: 139.)
~ Now is this trivial idolatry? We should think, it
is the crudest form of idolatry.
- We Mohammedans are not image-worshippers but image-breakers,
because we do not believe that Kibla is God.
~ They too, whom you call image-worshippers, do not
regard the image as God. They profess to worship God
behind the image. If you are image-breakers, why do
you not break that big image called Kibla (the sacred
- Good! We have the authority of the Qoran in turning
our faces towards the Kibla, while the image-worshippers
have none in their Veda to worship images. We most obey
God anyhow.
~ Just as you have the authority of the Qoran, the image-worshippers
have that of the Puraanaas. As you believe the
Qoran to be the Word of God, even so do they believe
the Puraanaas to be the Word of God's incarnation,
Vyas. The difference between the Pauranics and
yourselves is this that you worship a big image, while
they bow down before the smaller ones. Your case is
just the same as that of a man who strains at a gnat
but swallows a camel.
Mohammad expunged the worship of small images from the
Muslim faith, but introduced into it the worship of
the sacred Mosque (at Mecca) which is as big as a hill.
Is this idol worship on a small scale? You could be
free yourselves from image-worship and the like evil
practices only by embracing the Vedic religion and not
otherwise. Unless you give up the worship of your big
image, you should feel ashamed of yourselves and abstain
from condemning the worship of small images found in
other faiths and purify your hearts by avoiding idolatry.
non-muslims and innocent animals to be on Allah�s
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31. "And say not of those who are slain on God's
path that they are dead, nay, they are living! But ye
understand not." (2:149)
~ Where is the necessity of slaying other and of being
slain on God's path? Why do you not say plainly that
all this is meant for accomplishing your selfish ends.
You hold out this inducement to people that they may
fight well and help you to gain victory you�re your
enemies and acquire wealth and power by looting other
and thereby enable you to live in luxury and enjoy sensual
"God is severe in chastising. Follow not the steps of
Satan, He only enjoineth upon you evil and wickedness
and that ye should aver of God that which ye know not."
(2: 164, 165.)
~ You�re your God punish the wicked and reward the virtuous,
or does He show mercy to the Mohammedans and torture
others? If the latter, He is not God. But if your God
is not partial (to your), He will reward the virtuous
and punish the wicked whatever religion they may profess.
This being the case, the belief in the Qoran and in
Mohammad (as the prophet of God) becomes unnecessary.
Why did God create Satan - the enemy of the human race
who has been tempting all mankind. Is He not cognizant
of the future? If you say, He has created Satan just
to try man, it cannot be right, because only one who
is possessed of finite knowledge would do such a thing;
while One who is Omniscient is
aware of the good or evil deeds of the soul. Now if
Satan tempts all mankind, who tempted Satan? If it be
said that Satan tempts himself, why could not others
tempt themselves? Where is then the necessity of supposing
Satan to be the tempter of al mankind? If God was the
tempter of the Devil, He was more devilish than the
Devil. But such a thing could not be said of God. Whosoever
goes astray from the right path does so through evil
company and ignorance.
"But that which dieth of itself, and blood, and swine's
flesh, and that over which any other name than that
of God hath been invoked is forbidden you." (2: 168.)
~ Now one should pause to think and realize that an
animal whether it dies a natural death or is put to
death, is a dead body all the same; of course there
is a little difference but that difference counts for
nothing so far as death is concerned. Swine's flesh
is forbidden (but not human flesh), shall we then conclude
that is right to eat human flesh? Can it ever be commendable
to torture animals to death in God's name? This casts
a blot on the good name of God.
does He suffer the animals to be tortured by the Mohammedans
in the absence of sins committed in their previous lives
(by those animals)? Is He not Merciful to them? Does
He not love them as a father loves his children? God
did not forbid the slaughter of such animals as are
useful to man, and by failing to do it has proved Himself
to be an enemy of the human race, and brought disgrace
on Him by being guilty of having sanctioned the slaughter
of (useful) animals. Such things can never be true of
God or of His word.
copied from Hinduism.
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34. "You are allowed on the night of the fast to
approach your wives, they are your garment and ye are
their garment. God knoweth that ye defraud yourself
therein, so He turneth unto you and forgiveth you! Now,
therefore, go in unto them with full desire for that
which God hath ordained for you; and eat and drink until
ye can discern a white thread from a black thread by
the daybreak." 2 183.)
~ It seems that at the time the Mohammedan religion
came into being or before that period some (Arab) must
have asked a follower of the Puraanics as to what was
the mode of observing the Chandrayana fast, the
latter being ignorant of the true method of
this fast, which consists in decreasing or increasing
one mouthful of food at a time in accordance with the
increase or decrease in the digits of the moon and taking
one's food in the middle of the day, might have told
him that one should take his food on seeing the moon.
The Mohammedans have thus adopted the Chandrayana
fast in a corrupted form.
there is one great difference between the two fast;
sexual intercourse is forbidden in the Chandryana
but is permitted in the Mohammedan fast since it is
said (in the Qoran) "go in unto them with full desire."
Again, the Mohammedans are allowed to eat at night time
as often as they like. Now what kind of fast is it to
eat during the night and abstain from food during the
day? It is contrary to the laws of nature to take one's
food during the night and abstain from it during the
political supremacy in their fight for cause for Allah.
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35. "And fight for the cause of God against those
who fight against you. And kill them wherever ye shall
find them; and eject them from whatever place they ejected
you! For civil discord is worse than courage. Fight
therefore against them until there be no more civil
discord." (2: 186, 187, 189.)
~ Had no such teachings existed in the Qoran, the Mohammedans
would not have been so cruel to the non-Mohammedans.
They have greatly sinned by slaughtering the innocent.
They hold that one who does not believe in the Mohammedan
religion is an infidel, and that it is better to out
the infidels to the sword. They have always lived up
to their professions in this respect. They have lost
their political supremacy while "fighting" for the cause
of their God.
religion does indeed teach cruelty towards the non-
Mohammedans. Should theft be punished with theft.* Should
we also break into ht house of a person because he has
stolen our property: surely this is not right. If an
ignorant man abuses us, shall we also abuse him in return?
Such things can never be taught by God nor by one of
His enlightened votaries, nor could they be found in
His word. They can only be the utterances of an ignorant
and selfish man.
"But God loveth not disorder. O believer! Enter completely
into the true religion." (2: 202, 204
* The translation here is rather
too literal but is unavoidable. The author here questions
the truth of the Mosaic law "Tooth for tooth and an eye
for an eye." _Tr
not God loved disorder, why would He have prompted them
(the Muslims) to fight and befriended the quarrelsome
Mohammedans? Is God pleased with one only when he embraces
the Mohammedan religion? If so, He is partial to the
Mohammedans, He cannot therefore, be the Lord of the
Universe. This clearly shows that neither the Qoran
is the Word of God, nor is the God described therein
the true God.
"God is Bounteous without measure to whom He will."
~ Does He show His bounty without paying any regard
to our good or evil deeds? If so, sin and virtue are
alike, since pleasure or pain (depends not upon our
deeds, but) on the (arbitrary) will of God. Now it is
such teachings that have encouraged the Mohammedans
to deviate from the path of rectitude and live free
lives. Of course those of the Mohammedans who do not
believe in such things live virtuous lives.
are pollution?
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38. "They will also question thee as to the courses
of women, say: they are a pollution, separate yourself,
therefore, from women, and approach them not, until
they be cleansed. But when they are cleansed, go in
unto them as God hath ordained for you. Your wives are
your field, go in, therefore, to your field as ye will.
God will not punish you for taking your oaths falsely."
of sexual intercourse during menstruation is commendable,
but likening women to a field and giving permission
to approach them whenever (the faithful) desired will
make (them) lascivious. If God does not punish one for
swearing falsely, all men would become liars God will
thus stand guilty of encouraging untruthfulness in speech.
"Who is he that will lend to God a goodly loan? He will
double it to him again and again." (2: 246.)
~ Now why should God take a loan?* Does He, who has
created the whole universe, stand in need of taking
a loan from
* Hussain comments on this verse
thus:- " A man went to Mohammad and said, 'O Prophet of
God! What does God contract debts for? Mohammad replied,
'In order to take you to paradise.' The man added 'Should
you stand surety for Him I would lend Him money.' Thereupon
Mohammad stood surety for God and he fellow lent Him money.'
Is it not strange that the fellow did not trust God but
trusted Mohammad His, prophet?
No, never. Only an ignorant man can say such things
of God. Was his treasury exhausted or had He become
bankrupt by engaging in trade and banking? Did he act
like a businessman when He promised to pay double of
what was lent to him? Such things are done only by one
who is bankrupt, or by one whose expenses exceed his
income, but not by God.
"Some of them believed, and some were infidels; yet
if God had pleased, they would not have thus wrangled,
but God doth what He will." (2: 254.)
~ Do all quarrels that arise in the world proceed from
Divine will? Could God commit a sin if He willed? If
He could, He is no God, because no good person, let
alone God, will ever do such a thing, in other words,
he would never cause breach of peace or foment quarrels.
"Whatever exists on the earth or in the sky is for Him;
His chair has, as it were, occupied all earth and space."
(2: 150.)
~ God has created whatever exists on the earth or in
the sky for the good of the soul and not for His own
use, because He is called Purnakama (i.e., one
whose desires are fulfilled.) He does not stand in need
of anything. He must be localized indeed when He has
got a chair, but such a Being can never be God as he
is All-pervading.
author of the Q�uran knew neither Astronomy nor Geography.
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42. "Since God bringeth the sun from the East, do
thou, then, bring it from the West." The infidel was
confounded; for, God guideth not eh evil doers." (2:
~ O what ignorance! The sun does not rise in the East
and set in the West, nor does it rise in the West and
set in the East. It moves on its own axis. Now it is
positively certain that the author of the Qoran knew
neither Astronomy nor Geography. If (the Mohammedan)
God does not guide the evil doers, He is not needed
at all, for the righteous always walk in the path or
rectitude. It is only those who have gone astray that
need guidance. It is a great mistake on the part of
the God of the Qoran that He has neglected His duty.
"He said, "take thou, four birds and draw them towards
thee, and cut them in pieces; then place apart of them
on every mountain; the call them and they shall come
swiftly to thee." (2: 262.)
Now is not the Mohammedan God more like a juggler showing
his tricks? Does His God head rest on such things/ the
wise will keep aloof from such a God, it is the ignorant
alone who will be caught in His trap. (The Mohammedan)
God will thus, instead of enhancing His reputation,
bring disgrace on Himself.
"But God guideth whom he pleaseth." (2: 274.
~ If God guides whom He pleases, He might be misleading
other with whom He is not pleased. He alone can be called
God and apta (true teacher) who impartially guides
is nothing else but a tyrant
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45. "Whom He pleaseth will He forgive; and whom He
pleaseth will he punish; for God is All-powerful." (2:266.)
~ Does not God act like a tyrant when He does not forgive
those who deserve forgiveness and forgives those who
are not worthy of being forgiven? The soul should not
be held responsible for its actions, if God makes one
virtuous or wicked just as He pleases, nor should the
soul, therefore, be endowed with happiness or afflicted
with pain and suffering just as soldier if he kills
a person under the direction of his superior officer
is not held responsible for his act.
a brothel?
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46. "Say: shall I tell you of better things than
those prepared for those who fear God in His presence:
There shall be gardens, beneath whose pavilion the river
flow, and in which shall they continue to show for ever,
and women of stainless purity, and acceptance with God;
for God regardeth His servants." (3: 12.)
~ Now is it paradise or a brothel? Should we call such
Being ( as described in the Qoran) God or a libertine?
No enlightened man can ever believe such a book to be
the Word of God. Why does God show favoritism? Where
the women that live in paradise born here (in this world)
and then went there, or were they never born at all?
If they went there from here, why were they allowed
to enter paradise before their husbands? Why did God
violate His law of judging all persons on the last day
for the sake of women? On the other hand, if they were
born there, how can they control their passions? But
if they have got their husbands with them, how will
God manage to provide the faithful with women when the
enter paradise? Why does He not
also men for ever there in paradise just s He keeps
women? This goes to show the Mohammedan God is unjust
and ignorant.
true religion?
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47."The true religion with God is Islam." (3: 17)
~ Is God the Lord of the Mohammedans alone? Did not
Divine religion exist at all thirteen hundred years
back? It shows that the Qoran is not the word of God,
but of some bigot.
are embodiments of bigotry and ignorance.
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48. "Every soul shall be paid what it hath earned,
and they shall not be wronged. Say ! O God, possessor
of all power, thou givest power to whom thou wild, and
from whom thou wilt, thou takest it away! Thou raisest
up whom thou wilt, thou dost abase! In thy hand is good,
for thou art overall things potent. Thou consentest
the night to pass into the day and thou consentest the
day to pass into the night. Thou bringest the living
out of the dead, and thou bringest the dead out of the
living: and thou givest sustenance to whom thou wilt,
without measure. Let not believers take infidels for
their friends, rather believers. Whoso shall do this,
hath nothing to hope from God. Say; If ye love God,
then follow me, God will love you, and forgive your
sins, for God is Forgiving. Merciful." (3:21-24, 27.)
~ Is it not sheer prejudice to call those, who do not
profess Islam, infidels? That Being cannot be God who
teaches that the Mohammedans should not associate even
with good people of other faiths, while they may take
even the wicked Mohammedans for their friends. One is
therefore fully justified in inferring that this Qoran,
its God and the Mohammedans are embodiments of bigotry
and ignorance. The Mohammedans are, therefore, groping
in the dark, now reader mark! How clever Mohammad is!
He makes his God says in this verse that God will love
those who follow Mohammad and even their sins will be
forgiven. This shows that the heart of Mohammad was
not pure. It appears that the heart of Mohammad was
not pure. It appears that Mohammad (made or) had the
Qoran made in order to serve his selfish interests.
"O Mary! Verily hath God chosen thee and purified thee
an chosen thee above the women of the world!" (3: 33)
~ Now how can we believe that God and His angels came
down to talk to men in ancient times when they do not
do so now-a-days? If it be argued that then the people
were very virtuous, it cannot be true. The fact of the
matter is that at that time the majority of the people
were uncivilized and ignorant, hence it was that such
religions as the Christian and the Mohammedan, which
are so opposed to the dictates of knowledge, took root
and flourished. But now the people are enlightened,
these hollow faiths cannot flourish; on the other hand,
they are on the decline.
the great deceiver.
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50. "He that said to him "Be" and he was. The infidels
played a trick with God and He played a trick with them,
for, verily God is a great trickster." (3: 50, 52.)
~ Whom did God order, since the Mohammedans do not believe
that anything but God existed before Creation and what
came into being? The Mohammedans could never answer
these questions even if they were to be born seven times,
because no effect can come into being without a material
cause. To believe otherwise is to deny that one's parents
were the cause of his body.
who cheats and plays tricks with others can never be
God, he cannot even be called a gentleman.
"Is it not enough for you you�re your Lord aideth you
with three thousand angels sent down from on high?'
~ If God really aided the Mohammedans with three thousand
angels in the past, why does He not help them now that
their rule (in India and other countries) has greatly
declined and is still declining? The real object of
this verse is to tempt the ignorant and thereby ensnare
them into the Mohammedan religion.
"And help us against the unbelieving people. But God
is your real Lord, and He is the best of helpers. And
if ye shall be slain or die on the path of God." (3:
111, 141, 142, 151.)
~ Now reader mark the error of the Mohammedans! They
pray for the destruction of those who differ from them
in religious opinions. Is God such a simpleton that
He will grant their prayer? If God is the best helper
of the Mohammedans only, why should
fail in their undertakings? Besides, He seems to be
passionately fond of them. If He is so partial (to the
Mohammedans),He is not worthy of being worshipped by
the righteous.
"Nor is God minded to lay open the secret thing to you
but God chooseth what he will of his apostles to know
them. Believe therefore, in God and his apostles." (3:174)
~ Why does this verse inculcate faith in Mohammad along
with that in God, when the Mohammedans process to believe
in none but God, and hold that none is worthy of sharing
homage with Him? Hence they cannot call God Incomparable.
If it be argued that this verse only teaches that people
should have faith in Mohammad as a Prophet, we should
like to know where is the necessity of Mohammad (being
regarded as a Prophet). If God cannot accomplish His
desired object without making him His Prophet, He is
certainly powerless.
and Allah were both pugnacious.
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54. "O ye believers! Be patient, keep everything
in its proper place and keep on fighting. Fear God that
you may attain salvation." (3:178.)
~ The God of the Qoran and His Prophet were both pugnacious.
He who orders (his followers) to wage war is the real
disturber of peace. Can one attain salvation by having
nominal fear of God or by abstaining from fighting in
an unrighteous cause? If the former, it cannot be true,
but if the latter, it is perfectly right.
"These are the frontiers of God's Empire, He who will
believe in God and His apostle will go to paradise which
has canals in it and this indeed is the one great aim
of man. He who goes against the orders of God and His
Prophet, will be turned out of His frontiers. He will
burn in everlasting fire and constant suffering shall
increase his misery." (3: 4: 12, 13.)
~ Now (the Mohammedan) God Himself has made Mohammad
His partner (in Divine honors, etc.) and has Himself
declared this fact in the Qoran. God is so much attached
to Mohammad that He has made him His partner even in
paradise. It is useless to call the Mohammedan God Independent
when He is dependent upon Mohammad for every little
thing. Such things can never be found in a revealed
"God truly will not do any one injustice even of the
weight of a mote, and if there be any good deed, he
will repay it doubly." (4:45.)
~ Why does God repay good deeds doubly if he would not
do injustice even of the weight of a mote? Why is He
so partial to the Mohammedans? He would be unjust indeed
if He were to award the soul reward or punishment out
of proportion to its deeds.
omnisciency in doubt, keeps a memorandum.
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57."When they come forth from Thy presence, a party
of them broods by night over other than thy words; but
God writeth down what they brood over. Desire ye to
guide those whom God hath led astray? But for him whom
God leadeth astray, thou shalt by no means find a pathway."
~ Now God cannot be Omniscient, since He keeps a Daybook
and a Ledger. But if He be Omniscient, why would He
keep a memorandum. The Mohammedans hold that the devil
is wicked, since he tempts all. One should kike to know
the difference between God and the Devil considering
that God Himself leads the people astray. Of course,
there is this much difference that God is the greater
Devil of the two, because the Mohammedans themselves
aver that he that enticeth is the devil. Verily their
own affirmation makes out their God a veritable Devil.
height of prejudice.
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5. "If they do not withhold their hands, seize them,
and slay them, wherever you find them. A believer killeth
not a believer but by mischance, and whoso killeth a
believer by mischance shall be bound to free a believer
from slavery; and the blood money shall be made o the
family of the slain believer unless they convert it
into alms. But if the slain believer be of a hostile
people, let him confer freedom on a slave who is a believer.
But whoever shall kill a believer of a set purpose,
his recompense shall be hell, for ever shall he abide
in it, God shall be wrathful with him." (4: 94-96.)
~ This is the height of prejudice. The Qoran enjoins
on its believers to kill the non-Mohammedans but to
spare the Mohammedans. If they dill heir co-religionists
by mischance, they shall have to make aments for it
by freeing a believer from slavery, but if they kill
non-Mohammedans, even though it be through a mistake,
they shall inherit Heaven.
teachings deserve to be utterly discarded. Such a book,
such a Prophet and such a religion do nothing but harm.
The world would be better off without them. Wise men
would do well to discard a religion so absurd and accept
the Vedic faith which is absolutely free from error.
The Mohammedans say that one who kills a Mohammedan
shall be condemned to a residence in hell; on the other
hand, believers in other religions contend that a man
attains to heaven by killing a Mohammedan, now which
of the two should one believe to be true and which false?
fact is that all false creeds begotten of ignorance
should be renounced, the Vedic religion alone deserving
the allegiance of all - a religion which directs every
human being to follow in the footsteps of the righteous
and shun the path of the wicked.
"But whosoever shall sever himself from the Prophet
after that " the guidance" has been manifested to him,
shall follow any other path than that of the faithful,
we will cast him into hell." (4: 135.)
~ Now mark the prejudice of God and of His Prophet!
Mohammad like other men of his stamp, was well aware
that if he did not stamp his religion with divine authority
it would never flourish, or would he or his followers
be able to obtain help and power which might help them
to live a life of ease and luxury. All this goes to
show that Mohammad knew only too well how to compass
his selfish ends and to deprive others of their due
- a fact which proves that he was no well-wisher of
humanity. Such a man can never command the trust and
confidence of good and enlightened men.
"Verily, they who believed, then become unbelievers,
then believed and again became unbelievers, and then
increased their unbelief - it is not God who will forgive
them, or guide them into the way." (4: 134.)
"Whoever believed, not in God and His Angels and His
Book and His Apostles, and the last day, he verily hath
erred." (4: 135.)
~ Can you ever now assert that God is one without a
second? Is it not self-contradictory to call God Incomparable
and yet at the same time believe that there are others
who share Divine privileges with Him? Does not God forgive
sins after
has done so three times? Does not God guide men after
they have denied Him and His Prophet more than three
times? Even if all were to take advantage of the teachings
of this verse, unbelief will multiply immensely.
of a feather flock together."
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61."Verily, God will gather the hypocrites and the
infidels all together in hell." (4: 139.)
"The hypocrites would deceive God, but He will deceive
them!" (4: 141.)
"Take not infidels for friends rather than believers!"
(4: 148.)
~ What proof is there that the Mohammedans will go to
heaven and the non-Mohammedans will go to hell? He is
indeed a fine God! May such a God as deceives other
and is deceived by them always keep away from us. Let
him associate with those that are hypocrites and cheats,
because "Birds of a feather flock together." Why should
not they whose God deceives others be themselves cheated.
Can it be right for anyone to associate with a wicked
Mohammedan and hate a good man who is other than a Mohammedan?
"God is a sufficient guardian." (4: 162.)
" O men! Now hath an apostle come to you with truth
from your Lord. Believe them." (4:168.)
~Now does not the Prophet share with God homage due
to Him when men have been directed by the Qoran to have
faith in the Prophets. It is only because God is localized
and not all-pervading that apostles come down from Him.
Such a being can never be God. In one place it is written
(in the Qoran) that God is All-pervading, while in another
it is said that He is localized. This goes to show that
the Qoran is the work of more than one person.
"That which dieth of itself, and blood, and swine's
flesh, and all that hath been sacrificed under the invocation
of any other name than that of God, and the strangled,
and the killed by a blow, or by a fall, or by goring
and that which hath been eaten by beasts of prey is
forbidden you." (5:4.)
~ Are those the only animals and things that are forbidden?
May be, it is permissible to the Mohammedans to eat
other animals, creeping insects and ants, etc. From
this it is clear that the Qoran is not the Word of God.
It is a human work. Hence it cannot be believed in.
"I will surely put away from you your evil deeds, I
will bring you into gardens, beneath which the rivers
flow! And lend God a liberal loan, and I will send you
to paradise."
~ It seems that the Mohammedan God must have been reduced
to poverty, otherwise why would He have asked for a
loan and tempted them by saying that He would free them
from their sins and send them to Heaven. It appears
that Mohammad gained his selfish ends by defrauding
others in the name of God.
"He will pardon whom he pleaseth and chastise whom he
pleaseth. He gave you what never before had been given
to any human being." (5: 21, 23.)
~ Just as Satan leads whoever he likes into sin, even
so does the Mohammedan God. This being the case, it
is God alone who should go to heaven or hell, for (according
to the Mohammedan scriptures) He is the doer of all
deeds - good or evil. The soul is not a free-agent (and
hence it is not responsible for its actions), just as
it is the commander of an army who is responsible for
whatever it does, in the matter of protecting some and
killing others, under his orders and not the army.
"Obey God and obey the apostle." (5:93.)
~ This goes to show that God is not "One without a second,"
hence it is absurd for the Mohammedans to believe that
it is otherwise.
Q�uran promotes sinful conduct.
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67. God forgiveth what is past; but whoever doth
it again, God will take vengeance on him." (5: 96.)
~ The forgiveness of sin is almost as bad as the sanction
of its commission which encourages its further growth.
A book whose teachings tend to encourage the commission
of sin can neither be the Word of God, nor the work
of an enlightened author. It is, on the contrary, on
that promotes sinful conduct. It is true though that
the prevention of the further commission of sin can
be secured by one's praying to God, repenting of his
past conduct and by exerting himself to his utmost (to
lead a virtuous life.)
an imposter.
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"And is there anyone more wicked than he who deviseth
a life of God, or saith "I have had a revelation" when
to him? And who saith I can bring down a book like that
which God hath sent down." (5:93.)
~ This shows that when Mohammad pretended to have had
a revelation from God, some other imposter also declared
that he too had received heavenly messages, and claimed
to be a Prophet. Mohammad must have resorted to his
device (i.e., the publication of the above verse) in
order to defeat his opponent and increase his reputation.
"We created you; then fashioned you; then said we to
the angels. "Prostrate yourselves unto Adam," and they
prostrated them all in worship, save Eblis! He was not
among those who prostrated themselves. To him said God:
"What hath hindered the from prostrating thyself in
worship at my bidding?" He said, "Nobler am I than he:
me hast thou created of fire; of clay has thou created
him." He said, 'Get thee gone hence; paradise is no
place for thy pride; get thee then, one of the despised
shalt thou be." He said, "Respite me till the day when
mankind shall be raised from the dead." He said, "Now,
for that thou hast cursed me to err, surely in thy straight
path will I lay wait for them: then will I surely come
upon them from before, and from behind, and from their
right hand, and from their left, and thou shalt not
find the greater part of them to be thankful. "He said,
"Go forth from it, a scorned, a banished one! Whoever
of them shall follow thee, I will surely fill hell with
you, one and all." (10: 10 - 17.)
~ Now reader, follow attentively this dispute between
God and the Devil. This Devil was an angel who was no
better than a menial servant, even he could not be kept
under control by God, not could the Almighty purify
his heart. On the top of this, God let the rebel who
tempted all to commit sin go unpunished. God did indeed
commit a great blunder (in doing so). Now the Devil
being the tempter of all and God being his tempter,
it is clear that God is the greater Devil of the two,
because the latter clearly says (to God) that he had
led him astray. This goes to show that God is even destitute
of purity and is at the root of all evils. Only the
Mohammedans could believe in such a God but no other
enlightened men. The Mohammedan God is proved to be
(finite, unjust) and embodied, since He talked (with
angels, etc.) just like a man. This is the reason that
the educated people do not approve of the faith of Islam.
is also not omnipresent.
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70. "Your Lord is God, who in six days created the
Heaven and the Earth, and then mounted the throne. Call
upon your God with lowliness and in secret." (7:52,
~ Can He, who creates the world in six days and rests
on His throne in heaven, ever be an Omnipotent, and
Omnipresent God? Being destitute of such attributes
(as Omnipresence) He cannot even be called God? Is your
God deaf that He can hear you only when He is spoken
to (aloud)? All these things cannot be from God. Hence
the Qoran cannot be the Word of God. He must have indeed
got fatigued when He had to rest on the seventh day
after having created the world in six days. We wonder
if He is still asleep for has awakened. If He is awake,
is He there doing some thing or just strolling about
and enjoying Himself.
"Lay not earth waste with deeds of license." (7:52.)
~ This is indeed good advice, but in other places (in
the Qoran) the faithful have been directed to wage war
against infidels and even to slaughter them. Does not
the Qoran now contradict itself? Ti appears that Mohammad
must have adopted the first course when he was weak
and the second one when he had gained power. These two
teachings being self-contradictory cannot be true.
"So he threw down his rod, and lo! It distinctly became
a serpent." (5. 105.)
~ This goes to indicate that even God and Mohammad believed
in such false things. If so, both of them were ignorant.
The laws of nature can never be subverted just as no
man can make the eyes and the ears do the work of other
senses. This is more jugglery.
"And we sent upon them the flood and the locusts and
the lice and the frog and the blood. Therefore, we took
vengeance on them and drowned then in the seal and we
brought the children of Israel across the sea. For the
worship they practice in vain." (7: 130, 132, 134.)
~ Now behold! Is it not just like what an imposter does
when he frightens a man by saying that he will send
snakes to kill him? Why is not God, who is bigoted that
He drowns one nation in the sea in order to help the
other to cross it, a sinner?
there be any religion more false than one that daubs
all religions (other than itself), whose followers can
be counted by millions, false and calls itself the only
true one, since no religion can boast that all of its
followers are good. It becomes only idiots to give an
exparte decree. Has the religion founded n the Old Testament
become false or was it some other faith, we should like
to know what it was and by which name it is mentioned
in the Qoran.
"Thou shalt not* see me. And when God manifested Himself
to the mountain He turned it do dust! And Moses fell
in a swoon." (7: 139.)
~ What is perceptible to the eye can never be All-pervading.
If He really worked such miracles (in the past) why
does He not do so at the present time? Being altogether
opposed (to reason) it is not worthy of being believed.
should be spoken to aloud or not?
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75. "And think within thine ownself of God, with
lowliness and with fear and without loud spoken words,
at even and at morn." (7:204.)
~ At one place the Qoran says that God should be spoken
to aloud, while at another place it says that He should
be addressed " without loud spoken words". Now which
of the two shall we believe to be true and which false?
Self-contradictory statements can only be made by one
who is demented. Of course it does not matter much if
one contradicts himself through mistake and then owns
"They will question thee about THE SPOILS, say: The
spoils are God's and the apostle's. therefore, fear
God." (8: 1.)
~ It is very strange that those who plunder others and
live by dacoity and teach others to do the same should
still profess to be God, prophet and the faithful. These
people with one breath plunder others and with the other
talk of fearing God, and yet do not feel the least shame
in declaring that their religions faith in the best.
Can here be a man worse than one who through sheer obstinacy
does not embrace the true Vedic religion?
* There has been some misprint
in the Bha'sha translation of this verse since the word
"not" is not there. -Tr.
destitute of compassion?
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77. "Cut off the uppermost part of the infidels.
"I will verily aid you with a thousand angels, rank
on rank." "I will cast a dread into the hearts of the
infidels." Strike off their heads then, and strike off
from them every finger-tip." (8: 7, 9, 12.)
~ How destitute of compassion are God and his Prophets
who order that the heads of the infidels should be cut
off. Is such a God, as commands the faithful to put
the infidels to sword, and sever there limbs (from their
bodies) and aids them in this work, any better than
Ravan, the cruel king of Ceylon? This command
is te invention of the author of the Qoran and is not
from God, but if it be from Him, our earnest prayer
is that such a God may remain at a respectable distance
from us.
"God is with the faithful. O ye faithful! Obey God and
His apostle, O true believes, deceive not God and His
apostle, neither violate your faith against your own
knowledge. God laid a plot against them, and God is
the best layer of plots." (8: 19, 23, 26, 29.)
~ Does God favor the Mohammedans? If so, He is unjust
because He is the Lord of all (and not of the Mohammedans
only). Is your God deaf that He cannot hear you unless
He is spoken n (aloud)? Is it not wrong to couple the
name of the Prophet with His name? Where is God's treasure
that He should be so afraid of its being stolen? Is
it right to steal (the wealth of) others barring that
of God and His Prophet?
the ignorant and the wicked can teach such things. Why
is not that God, who deceives others and associates
with the deceitful, hypocritical, cunning and wicked?
These things lead one to infer that the Qoran is not
the Word of God. Its author must have been a hypocritical
and deceitful person, otherwise such objectionable things
would not have been found in it.
"Therefore fight against them until there be no opposition
in favor of idolatry and the religion be wholly God's.
and know that whenever ye gain any spoils, a fifth part
therefore belongeth unto God, and to the apostle." 8:
40, 42.)
~ Who but the Mohammedan God would be so unjust in fighting
and helping other to do the same and so active in causing
breaches of peace? Now look at this religion, which
sanctions wholesale robbery for the benefit of the Prophet!
people any better than thugs? God participates in the
crime of robbery when He takes His share of the loot.
He brings disgrace on Himself by favoring such dacoits
(thieves). We are at a loss to understand whence came
such a book, such a God and such a Prophet in order
to disturb the happy relations between different nations
of the world and thereby inflict great suffering on
them. Has not such faiths flourished in the world, all
would have lived in peace with each other.
"And if thou didst behold when the angels cause the
unbelievers to die! They strike their faces and their
backs, and unto say them, "Taste ye the pain of burning."
Wherefore we destroyed them in their sins, and we drowned
the people of Pharaoh. Therefore prepare against them
what force ye are able." (8: 52, 56, 62.)
~ Now-a-days Russia has trampled Trudy and England has
taken possession of Egypt, and yet God and His angels
have done nothing to help them! Have they gone to sleep?
In the past God used to kill and drown the enemies of
His votaries, but He does not help them now. This shoes
that He did nothing of the sort even in ancient times.
evil is the command which say s that the faithful should
do, as much as, lies in their power, to inflict pain
and suffering upon the non-Mohammedans. Leave alone
God, even a learned, righteous and tender-hearted man
would not give such an order, and yet they (the Mohammedans)
have the impudence to say that their God is Merciful
and Just. It is on this account that the Mohammedan
God is destitute of justice and mercy and the like good
"O Prophet! God is thy support and of such of the true
believers who followeth thee. O Prophet, lead the faithful
to war; if twenty of you persevere with constancy, they
shall overcome two hundred. Eat therefore of what ye
have acquired, that which is lawful and good; and fear
God: for God is Gracious and Merciful." (8:65, 66, 70.)
~ Now what kind of justice, wisdom or righteousness
is it that one should support one's followers even though
they perpetrate injustice? He, who causes breach of
peace and himself fights as well as helps others to
do so, loots other people and yet calls the loot lawful,
can never be Merciful and Compassionate.
alone God, such a thing can never be true even of a
good man. Such things make it impossible for us to believe
that the Qoran is the Word of God.
Allah all-pervading?
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82. "They shall continue therein forever: for God
is a great reward. O true believers, take not your fathers
or your brethren for friends, if they love infidelity
above faith. Afterwards God sent down his security upon
his apostle and upon the faithful, and sent down troops
of angels, which ye saw not; and he punished them who
disbelieved; and this was reward of the unbelievers.
Nevertheless God will hereafter be turned unto whom
He pleaseth. Fight against them who believe not in God."
*: 10, 12, 24, 25, 27.)
~ Now how can God be All-pervading if He lives near
those who are in paradise? But if He is not All-pervading,
He can neither be the Creator nor the Judge of the world.
It is wrong to advise men to forsake their parents of
course, one should not obey them if the advise one to
do wrong, but all the same one should always serve them.
God was kind to the Mohammedans and sent down troops
of angels to help them in the past, why does He not
do so now? If He punished the unbelievers and "turned
unto whom He pleased," why does He not do the same at
the present time? Could not God advance His faith without
commanding His votaries to fight? We say good-bye to
such a God! He is more of a showman than a God.
"We await for you the infliction of a chastisement by
God, from Himself, or at our hands." (8:53.)
~ Do the Mohammedans constitute God's police that He
seizes non-Muslims either with His own hands or has
been seized by the hands of the Mohammedans? Are millions
of other people displeasing unto God, and are Mohammedans,
though they might be sinners, pleasing unto Him? If
such is the case, the Mohammedan God resembles a veritable
tyrant. It is strange that even sensible Mohammedans
should believe in a religion which has no foundation
to rest upon, and is opposed to reason.
holding out baits for the ignorant.
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84. "To the faithful, both men and women, God promiseth
gardens, beneath which the rivers flow, in which they
shall abide, and goodly mansions in the gardens of Eden.
But best of all will be God's good pleasure in them.
This will be the great bliss. Those who scoff at them,
will be scoffed at by God." (8:75,80.) PAGE 683
~ Here Mohammad holds out a bait to men and women, in
the name of God, to compass his own selfish ends. Had
not Mohammad held out such a bait, nobody would have
suffered himself to be entrapped by him. So do believers
in other creeds also talk. Men scoff at one another,
but does not behove God to scoff at anyone. This Qoran
is a mass of veritable funny tales.
the apostle and those who share his faith, contend for
the faith with purse and person: and these! All good
things await them. And God hat set a seal upon their
hearts; they have no knowledge." (8:89, 94.)
~ Mark this selfishness! Only those alone are good who
believed in Mohammad, and those who did not believe
in him are condemnable. Does not this argue bigotry
and ignorance out and out? When God Himself hath set
a seal on their hearts, they are not to blame for sinning.
On the contrary, all the blame rests with God, for He
sealed all their noble impulses by setting a seal upon
their hearts. This verily the height of injustice!
terrible blot on Godhead?
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86. "Take alms of their substance, that thou mayest
clean and purify them thereby, and pray for them: for
thy prayers shall assure their minds. Verily, of the
faithful hath God bought their persons and their substance
on condition of Paradise for them, in return on the
path of God shall they fight, and slay and be slain."
(10: 106, 113.)
~ This is really fine! Mohammad here figures out as
the very prototype of Popish priest who cleanse or grants
absolution only to those who grease his palm. This Muslim
God is a wonderful trader, who thins He drives a roaring
trade by taking the lives of the poor and helpless through
the Mohammedans! By condemning the orphans to destruction
and awarding paradise to the oppressors, the Mohammedan
God becomes chargeable with cruelty and injustice and
this is a blot on His Godhead. He has rightly come to
be looked down upon with contempt by the wise ad the
noble minded.
Wage war against such of the infidels as are your neighbors,
and let them find you rigorous. Do they not see that
they are afflicted with suffering every year once or
twice? Yet they turn not, neither are they warned."
(10:124, 127)
~ Mark the teaching, which, in defiance of all noble
instinct, advocates the destruction of one's very friends!
God here teaches the Mohammedans to fight with their
neighbors and slaves, to wage war against them and to
slaughter them whenever they get a chance to the Mohammedans
have materially helped in spreading such ideas, taking
their inspiration from this very book - the Qoran. They
should, iin the present enlightened age, realize the
evil nature of such a teaching and give it up. They
would be gainers by doing so.
ignorant of physics?
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88. "Verily, your Lord is God Who hath made the Heavens
and the Earth in six days - then mounted His throne
to rule all things." (15:3.)
~ Space is not the result of combination or a compound
substratum. It is uncreated, eternal. The assertion,
that it was created, furnishes a positive proof of the
fact that the author of the Qoran was ignorant of physics.
Had God to spend full six days on the creation of the
world? When it is written in the Qoran "Be'} and "it
was," it follows that this assertion about the creation
of the world in six days is baseless. Were the Muslim
God All-pervading, why would He establish Himself in
the heavens or the sky? And if God has to thing of His
administration, He is nothing but a prototype of a human
being. Were He Omniscient, why would He cogitate seated
passively? This shows that the Qoran is he production
of minds steeped in savagery and destitute of all knowledge
of God.
"And guidance and a mercy to the faithful." (10: 55)
~Is God the monopoly of the Muslims only, and have others
no claim on Him? And is He partial, that He reserves
His mercy only for the Muslims, and denies it to others.
If by Muslims He meant "the faithful" they do not stand
in need of guidance. If God does not furnish guidance
to people other than the Mohammedans, His knowledge
is of no use.
"That he might make proof which of you will excel in
work - And if thou say "After death ye shall surely
be raised again." The infidels will certainly exclaim,
"This is nothing but pure sorcery." (11: 8, 10.)
~ When God has to examine works, He is not Omniscient.
And if He does raise people after death, are we to think
that those who are raised are condemned for an indefinite
period to wait for
settlement of their date? Again, is it not opposed to
His own Divine law to raise the dead? Is it possible
that God should compromise His Godhead by infringing
His own law?
"And it was said, "O Earth! Swallow up thy water" and
"Cease, O Heaven." And the water abated. O my people!
this is the she-camel of God and a sign unto you; let
her go at large, and feed on God's Earth." (11: 43,
~ What childish talk is this? Can the earth or the heavens
ever hear? And if God possesses a she-camel, He must
also possess a he-camel further He must own elephants,
horses, donkeys, etc.! and does it reflect any credit
on God to get His she-camel to feed in the field of
the others? Does God ever ride the she-camel? If such
is the Muslim God, His house must be distinguished for
all the pomp and splendor to be found in the house of
a mundane potentate.
"Therein shall they abide while the heavens and the
earth shall last. And as for the blessed ones - their
place the Garden! Therein shall they abide while the
heavens and the earth endure." (11: 109, 110.)
~ If, after the Day of Judgment, all people must repair
either to heaven or hell, why should the earth or the
sky then continue to exist? And if heaven and hell or
to endure as long as the earth and the sky endure, then
it follows that the assertion "that they shall abide
in heaven or hell for ever" is baseless. It is the ignorant
that talk in this vain, and not the wise, or God.
"When Joseph said to his father, "O my father! Verily
I beheld eleven stars and the sun and the moon." (12:
~ This verse contains a dialogue between a father and
his son, which shows that the Qoran is not from God
but is the production of some man who has embodied in
it the biographies of human beings.
"It is God who hath reared the heavens without pillars
thou canst behold: then mounted His throne and imposed
laws on the sun and the moon. And He it is who hath
outstretched the earth. He sendeth down the rain from
heaven; then flow the torrents in their due measure."
((13: 15)
is open-handed with supplies to whom He will, or is
sparing." (13: 2, 3, 15, 22.)
~ The Muslim God is entirely innocent of all knowledge
of Physical Science. Were He conversant with Physical
Science, He would not have talked of rearing heavens
on pillars. If God dwells in a particular locality or
in the heavens, He cannot be Almighty or all-Encompassing.
Had the Muslim God known aught of the Science of the
clouds, He would have coupled the words, "He made the
water go up to the sky," with the words, "he sendeth
down the rain from the heaven."
shows that the author of the Qoran was ignorant of the
science of clouds. If God confers happiness on some
or condemns others to misery without paying any regard
to their merits or demerits, He is partial, unjust and
utterly ignorant.
beguiles people?
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95. "God truly will mislead whom He will; and He
will guide to Himself him who turneth to Him." (13:
~ When God beguiles people, what is there to distinguish
Him from Satan? If Satan is condemned for beguiling
people, why should not God be regarded as a greater
Satan for doing the same thing, and why should He not
be condemned to a residence in hell for the sin of beguiling
"Thus then, as a code in the Arabic tongue, have we
sent down the Qoran; and truly, if after the knowledge
that hath reached thee thou follow their desires, thou
shalt have no guardian nor protector against God."(13:
How did God send down the Qoran? Does God live high
up in the skies? If this be true, He cannot be God,
being confined to a particular locality, for God is
All-pervading. To carry or deliver messages is the function
of a courier, and since God is confined to a particular
locality, he must needs have one. And to keep an account
(in dealings with others) becomes a man but no God who
is Omniscient. If follows from such statements of the
Qoran that it is the work of a human being, possessed
of limited intelligence.
"And he ordained that the sun and moon shall always
wander. Verily, man is an oppressor, and a heretic."
(14: 27.)
~ Do the sun and moon only keep always wandering? Does
not the earth wander too? It the earth did not revolve,
each day
night would extend over many years. If man is disposed
by nature to be cruel, and a heretic, it becomes useless
to send him a warning through the Qoran. For, those,
who are inherently disposed to do evil, will never be
disposed to do good. As a matter of fact, there are
both good and wicked men in this world. Hence it is
evident from all this that no book which contains such
preposterous teaching can be from God.
"And when I shall have fashioned him and breathed of
my spirit into him; then fall ye down and worship him."
"O my Lord; because, thou hast beguiled me, I will surely
make all fair seeming to them on the earth; I will surely
beguile them all." (15: 29, 39.)
~ If God breathed His spirit into Adam, then Adam also
became God. If Adam was not God, then why did God let
him share the homage due to Him only? When God is the
beguiler of Satan, why should not He, being His preceptor,
be regarded as a greater Devil than Satan, for, while
the Muslims look upon Satan as the beguiler it is really
God who beguiles Satan. Again when Satan said in the
presence of God, "I shall beguile then all," why did
not God inflict upon him punishment and throw him into
a dungeon, yea, why did not He kill him?
are there infidels when he sent apostles to all people?
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99. "And to every people have we sent an apostle.
Our word to a thing when we will it is but to say "BE"
and it is." (16:38, 42.)
~ If God sent apostles to very people, then why should
those who follow these apostles be set down as infidels?
Is not prophet to be honored other than your own? This
is sheer bigotry. If God sent apostles to every country,
why did not He send one to Aryavarta (India)? Hence
this assertion of the Qoran does not deserve to be given
credence to.
God makes up His mind and says, "Earth be," how can
the inanimate earth hear His command? And how can the
mere command of God create the universe? And when the
Mohammedans do not believe in the existence of anything
other than God before creation, what was it that heard
God's order, and what did the same become? Those who
are destitute of all knowledge of science talk in this
fashion, and it is only the ignorant that believe in
such things.
"And they ascribe daughters unto God! Glory be to Him!
By God we have sent apostles to nations before this."
(16: 59, 65.)
~ What will God do with daughters, because daughters
are needed only for men? And why are not sons appointed
unto God? Why are daughters only appointed unto him?
Swearing is resorted to by liars, hence God should not
swear. For, we frequently see in the world that it is
as a rule liars that swear. Why should they, who sonly
speak the truth, swear?
an injustice of Allah!
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101. "These are they whose hearts and ears and eyes
God hath sealed up; these the careless ones. And every
soul shall be repaid according to its deeds, and they
shall not wronged." (16: 110, 112.)
~ When God Himself had sealed up their hearts, etc.,
the unfortunate ones are condemned to destruction without
any fault on their part. They are denied the privilege
of being free-agents. How unjust it is! And yet we are
told by the Qoran that everyone shall be repaid according
to his deeds, and shall have neither more or less than
what he is entitled to.
the sinners were not free-agents in committing sin,
but did it yielding to a stern necessity, having been
compelled to do so by God, why are they to blame? They
should not suffer for their deeds, on the contrary it
is God who ought to suffer punishment. And if everyone
is repaid according to the full measure of his deeds,
wherein does God's forgiveness consist? And if God does
forgive sins, He destroys justice. God never act in
this reckless fashion; only an erring mortal can act
like this.
"And we have appointed hell the portion of infidels.
And every man's fate have we fastened about his neck.
And on the day of resurrection will we bring forth to
him a book which shall be proffered to him wide open.
And since Noah, how many nations have we exterminated."
(17: 8, 14, 18.)
~ If those who do not believe in the Qoran, the Prophet
and the God of whom the Qoran speaks, and have no faith
in the seven heavens or in the Muslim prayer, etc.,
are infidels, and if it is they who are destined for
hell, we can then say without the least hesitation that
all this is nothing but sheer partiality. Is it possible
that those who believe in the Qoran are all good, whole
others are
It is childish to assert that everyone has his fate
fastened about his neck. As a matter of fact we don't
see it fastened round the neck of a single person. If
by this is meant that men shall have the just reward
of their deeds, it sounds preposterous to assert that
their hearts, eyes, etc., have been sealed up. We are
told that God will bring forth His book on the day of
judgment; if so where is that book now? Does God make
daily entries in His book after the fashion of the shopkeepers?
is another thing which should be considered in this
connection. If there is not previous birth, where did
the deeds of men come from and how could the book of
deeds be made out? If it has bee prepared in the absence
of deeds, God has wronged the parties concerned. Why
did He bestow happiness upon some and subject others
to misery in the absence of the good or bad works? If
it be said that He did it, because it pleased Him to
do so, in that case too He wronged them.
add to or take away from the felicity or suffering of
any person with out any regard to his merits or demerits
is termed injustice. And will it be God who will read
the book at the time specified or will He have a reader
by? If God dooms to destruction souls that have been
waiting for an indefinite period without any fault on
their part, He is a tyrant. But he who is a tyrant,
cannot be God.
can be no delay in the administration of Justice.
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103. "We gave to The mood the She-camel before their
very eyes.
And entice such of them as thou canst by thy voice.
One day we will summon all men with their leaders: they
whose book shall be given into their right hand." (17:
61, 66, 73.)
~ Verily, one of the most convincing proofs which God
can advance in favor of His God-head is the possession
of the she-camel! If God ordered Satan to beguile human
beings then He Himself is a greater Satan. But to call
one, who leads people to commit sin, God is a most foolish
thing. If God will call the Prophet and all his followers
on the day of judgment in order to decide the fate of
the dead, all of them will have to remain in custody
till that period. But custody without any trial is extremely
irksome and it is, therefore, the duty of every good
judge to decide cases
It is like the justice administered by Popan Bai. What
will you think of a judge who would say that he would
not administer justice till all the criminals and the
law-abiding citizens of fifty years back had been gathered
together in one place. What sort of justice will this
be? He will keep one man in custody for this cannot
be called justice.
you want to see what justice is, read the Vedas and
Manusmriti, which declare that there is not a moment's
delay in the administration of justice and that all
souls are judged according to their deeds. Again, to
hold that God summons the prophets as witnesses is to
question His Omniscience. Can such a book ever be the
Word of God and can its author ever be an Almighty God?
of souls constitutes true doctrine.
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104. "For them/! The gardens of Eden, under whose
shades shall rivers flow: decked shall they be therein
with bracelets of gold, and maroon robes of silk and
rich brocade shall they wear, reclining them therein
on thrones. Blissful the reward! And a pleasant couch!"
(18: 30.)
~ Indeed! What a fine place is the paradise described
in the Qoran! It has gardens, ornaments, clothes, cushions,
pillows for affording pleasure to those who live therein.
A wise man will, on reflection, find that the Mohammedan
paradise excels in nothing except injustice which lies
in the fact that the soul will have infinite enjoyment
or infinite suffering for actions which are finite.
Besides, infinite happiness will appear to them infinite
misery, even as if a person goes on eating sweet things
for a long time, they begin to taste like poison to
him. Therefore, the belief that the soul is reborn after
having enjoyed the bliss of salvation till the Grand
Dissolution (of the universe) alone constitutes the
true doctrine.
"And these cities did we destroy when they became impious;
and of their coming destruction we gave them warning."
(18: 58.)
~ Can all the inhabitants of a place be ever sinful?
The fact that God formed His resolution (of destroying
those cities) afterwards proves that He is not All-knowing,
for, He did so after He had seen injustice being perpetrated.
He had no knowledge of it before. (His destroying so
many cities) also proves that he is destitute of all
of the Q�uran must be illiterate.
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106. "As to the youth his parents were believers,
and we feared lest he should trouble them by error and
infidelity. Until when he reached the setting of the
sun, he found it to set in a mire fount; and hardly
he found a people. They said, "O Dhoulkarnain!" Verily,
Gog, and Magog waste their land, shall we then pay thee
tribute, so thou build a rampart between us and them."
(18: 79, 84, 93.)
~ How unwise of God! He feared lest the parents of the
boy might be led to rebel against His authority. This
cannot be compatible with the nature of God. Again mark
the ignorance of the author of the Qoran! He thinks
that the sun sinks into a lake at night, and comes out
of it again at day-break. As a matter of fact, the sun
is very much larger than the earth. How can be then
set it in a river or lake or an ocean?
proves that the author of the Qoran was ignorant of
Physical Geography and Astronomy. Had he known these
Sciences, why would he have written such things as are
oppose to the dictum of knowledge? The believers in
this book are also illiterate; other wise they would
not have believed in a book which is do full of error.
Now mark God's injustice? Though He is Himself the Creator
of this earth and is its King and Judge, yet He allows
Gog and Mogog wage constant war with exh other. This
is also incompatible with the nature of God. Such a
book can only be believed in by savages and not by enlightened
"And remember in the book of the Qoran the story of
Mary: when she retired from her family to a place towards
the east, and took veil to conceal herself form them:
and we sent our spirit Gabriel unto her, and he appeared
unto her in the space of a perfect man. She said, fly
for refuge unto the Merciful God, that He may defend
me from thee, if thou fearest Him, then do not approach
me. He answered, verily I am the messenger of thy Lord,
and am sent to give thee a holy son. She said, how shall
I have a son, seeing a man hath not touched me and I
am no harlot. Gabriel replied, so hall it be: thy Lord
saith, this is easy with me; and we will perform it,
that we may ordain him for a sign unto men, and a mercy
from us: for it is a thing which is decreed. Wherefore
she conceived him and she retired aside with him in
her womb to a distant place." (19: 12 - 16, 18.)
~ It is a thing for the wise to consider that if all
the angels are the spirit of God, they could not exist
as separate entities from Him. Moreover, Mary while
she was a Virgin, gave birth to a son, although she
did not like to co-habit with any man, yet contrary
to her wishes she was conceived by the angel at the
Lord's command. Now how wrong it was of God to have
done so! There are many other objectionable things recorded
in the Qoran which we do not think advisable to mention
Allah, himself send the devil to incite the innocent?
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108. " Dost thou not see that we send devils against
the infidels to incite them to sin." (19: 78.)
~ As God Himself sends devils to incite the infidels,
the devils are innocent, neither the devils nor the
people tempted by them could, therefore, be liable to
punishment. Since all sins are committed at the bidding
of the Lord, He alone should suffer the consequences
thereof. If He is really the dispenser of justice, He
Himself should suffer in hell the consequences of His
evil deeds. But if He sets justice at naught, He becomes
a sinner, since it is a sin to perpetrate injustice.
"It will be gracious unto him, who shall repent and
believe and shall do that which is right and who shall
be rightly directed." (20: 76.)
~ It is written in the Qoran that one's sins are forgiven
by mere repentance. This encourages sin, since here
is nothing to deter men from its commission. This gook
and its author, therefore, place a premium upon sin.
Hence it is cleaar that this book cannot be the Word
of God, nor can the Being described therein be Divine.
"And we placed stable mountains on the earth, lest it
should move with them." (21: 31.)
~ If the author of the Qoran had been acquainted with
the phenomenon of the revolution of the earth, he would
never have taught that the earth was immovable, because
mountains were fixed in it. It could be argued that
if there were no mountains, it would be shaken. Why
does it quake when there is a seismic disturbance?
"And remember her who preserved her virginity, and into
whom we breathed our spirit." (21: 88.)
~ It is impossible that such obscene statements should
have been recorded in Divine revelation or even in a
book written by a decent man. When even human beings
do not relish such writings, how can God do so? It is
such statements as bring the Qoran into disrepute. If
its teachings had been good, it would have commanded
admiration like the Vedas.
the inanimate adore God?
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112. "Seest thou not that all creatures both in the
heavens and on the earth adore God? The sun, and the
moon, and the stars, the mountains and the trees, and
the beasts, and many men? They shall be adorned therein
with bracelets of gold, and pearls, and their vestures
therein shall be silk. And cleanse my House for those
who compass it and who stand up." Afterwards let them
put an end to the neglect of other persons; and let
them pay their vows, and compass the ancient House.
And may commemorate the name of God." (22: 18, 23,28,30,
~ When it is clear that inanimate objects cannot even
know God, how can they then worship Him? This book cannot
be of Divine origin. It seems to have been written by
some ignorant man. How funny! How beautiful is the paradise
where the inmates get gold ornaments studded with pearls
and silken garments. This sort of paradise can in no
way be better than the palaces of Kings; and if heaven
is the house of God, he must be living in that very
house, how can it then be said that the Qoran does not
teach idol-worship? (The Mohammedan) God is like gods
and goddesses such as Bhairva (Indian Bacchus) and Durga
(Puranas), because He accepts presents, commands people
to circumembulate His house and to offer animal sacrifices;
He is the originator of idol-worship in its most objectionable
form, because the Mosque is a huge idol than the images
of the gods. The Mohammedan God and His followers are,
therefore, worse idol-worshippers than the Pauranics
and the Jainees.
mode of meting out justice is as bad as doing injustice.
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113. "Then shall ye be waked up on the day of Resurrection."
(23: 16.)
~ Will the dead dwell in the tombs or in some other
place till doom's Day? If they will dwell in the tombs,
even the virtuous souls will suffer pain on account
of their bodily tenements being foul-smelling and decomposed.
This mode of meting out justice is as bad as doing injustice.
Moreover, the Mohammedan God and His followers are guilty
of the sin of spreading disease.
"One day their own tongues shall bear witness against
them the their hands, and their feet, concerning that
which they have done. God is the Light of the Heaven
and Earth: the similitude of his light is as niche in
a wall, wherein a lamp is placed, and the lamp enclosed
in a case of glass; the glass appears as it were a shining
star. It is lighted with the oil of a blessed tree,
an olive neither of the east nor of the west, it wanteth
little but that the oil thereof would give light, although
no fire touched it. This is light added unto light.
God will direct unto His light whom he pleaseth." (24:
24, 35.)
~ The hands and feet being inanimate cannot give evidence.
The second statement being opposed to Laws of Nature
is false. Is God fire or electricity? The illustration
given in the Qoran cannot apply to God. Such illustrations
can only apply to embodied objects.
"And God hath created every animal of water. Some go
on upon the belly. And whoso shall obey God and His
Apostle�.Say: Obey God and obey the Apostle. And obey
the Apostle that happily ye may find mercy." 24: 45,
51, 53, 55.)
~ What kind of philosophy is this that the creatures
in the composition of whose body all elements have entered
are said to have generated from water alone. This is
a foolish statement. If t is necessary that the commands
of the Prophet should be obeyed along with those of
God, He may be said to have a partner. If it is so,
why is it written in the Qoran that God is without a
second, and why do you preach this?
Qoran disturbs the peace of the world and fosters
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"On that day the heaven shall be cloven asunder by the
clouds and the angels shall be sent down, descending visibly
therein. Wherefore do not thou obey the unbelievers; but
oppose them here with a strong opposition. Unto them will
God change
former evils into good; and whoever repenteth, and doth
that which is right; verily he turneth unto God with
an acceptable conversion." (25: 25, 50, 68, 69)
~ It can never be true that the sky has been split up
by the clouds. It could be split up only if it had material
existence. The teaching of the Qoran disturbs the peace
of the world and fosters discord. It is for this reason
that righteous and learned men do not believe in it.
It is unjust that sins and virtues should be balanced
against one another. Sin and virtue cannot be compared
to oil seeds and lentils. If repentance absolves one
from sin and brings him nearer to God, no body would
be afraid of committing sins. All this is opposed to
books sent down by Allah before the Q�uran.
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117. "And we spake by revelation unto Moses, saying,
"March forth with my servants by night; for ye will
be pursued." And Pharaoh sent an officer through the
cities to assemble forces. Who has created me and directeth
me; and who giveth me to eat and to drink. And who,
I hope, will forgive my sins on the day of Judgment."
(25: 50, 51, 76, 77, 80.)
~ When God first sent down His book to Moses what need
was there for sending down books to David, Christ and
Mohammad? God's knowledge must be Unchangeable and Infallible
but sending down later books would show that the knowledge
contained in the first book was fallible and imperfect.
If these first three works contained true knowledge,
the Qoran must be false.
is impossible for all the four books to teach true knowledge
because their teachings contradict each other. If God
has created souls, they must need cease to exist some
day or the other. If it is God Who gives sustenance
to man and other creatures, why do people suffer from
disease and why does not each man get an equal amount
of food? Why do some people, such as kings, get sumptuous
food and others like the paupers get poor food?
it is God Who feeds people and makes them observe the
laws of health, there should be no disease. But we see
that even the Mohammedans do suffer from disease. If
it is God who cures people of disease the Mohammedans
should always recover, but as they do not, it is clear
that the Mohammedan God is not a skilful doctor, for
if He were so, the Mohammedans would always come round.
Again, if it is God Who kills people and brings
to life, then He alone should take the consequences.
On the contrary if it be believed that punishment or
reward is awarded according to deeds done (by the soul)
in many births, He cannot be held blameworthy. If God
forgives sins and dispenses justice on the last day,
He will be a sinner and a promoter of sin. It he does
not forgive sins, it cannot but he said that this teaching
of the Qoran is false.
"Thou art only a man like unto us: produce now some
sign, if thou speakest the truth. Said, the she-camel
shall be a sign unto you: she shall have her portion
of water." (26: 154, )
~ Who would believe that the camel came out of stone.
Those who pinned faith to it were savages. The sign
of the camel was something which looks boorish, not
Divine. If this book had been revealed, ti would not
contain such senseless things.
"O Moses! Verily I am God, Mighty, the Wise: cast down
thy rod. And when he saw it, that it moved, as though
it had been a serpent, he retreated and fled. And God
said O Moses, fear not, for my messengers are not disturbed
with fear in my sight."
"Rise not up against me: and surrender yourself unto
me." (27: 9, 10, 27, 32.)
~ Now mark! God calls Himself Might, even a good man
would not indulge in self-commendation, why should God
do so? He became the Lord of the savages by tempting
them with a sort of jugglery. Such things cannot be
written in the Word of God. If He is the Lord of the
seventh heaven, He cannot be God being localized. If
it is a bad thing to rebel, why did God and Mohammad
write a book to extol themselves, even though the Prophet
at the instigation of God killed many which was worse
than rebellion. The Qoran is full of repetitions and
self-contradictory statements.
"And thou shalt see the mountains, and shalt think them
firmly fixed; they shall pass away, even as the clouds
pass away. This will be the work of God, who rightly
disposes all things: and he is well acquainted with
that which ye do." (27: 90.)
~ Perhaps in the country where the author of the Qoran
lived, the mountains moved on like clouds, for nowhere
else it is
The vigilance of God can be judged by the fact that
He could not catch the rebel Satan and punish him. Who
can be more careless than one who could not. apprehend
one rebel and punish him.
God create by the caprice of His Will?
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121. "And Moses struck him with his fist and slew
him: and he said, O Lord, verily I have injured my own
soul, wherefore forgive me. So God forgave him; for
He is ready to forgive, and Merciful. The Lord createth
what He pleaseth; and chooseth freely." 28: 14, 15,
~ Now mark again! Are not God and Moses the Prophet
of the Mohammedans and the Christians, both unjust because
the latter killed people and God forgave him his sins.
Does God create by the caprice of His Will? Was it due
to mere caprice that one was born a king and anther
a pauper; one a scholar, and another a fool. If it is
so, the Qoran dos not inculcate truth, and the Mohammedan
God being unjust is no God at all.
"We have commanded man to show kindness towards his
parents: but if they endeavor to prevail with thee to
associate with me that concerning which thou hast no
knowledge, obey them not. We hereafter sent Noah unto
his people, and he tarried among them not. We hereafter
sent Noah unto his people, and he tarried among them
one thousand years, save fifty years." (29: 7, 13.)
~ Of course, it is good thing to serve one's parents
and it is also right not to obey them when they ask
one to believe that God shares His homage with some
other being. But they should not be believed if they
command one to tell lies, hence this injunction is only
a half truth. If He sent only Noah and other prophets
to the world who sent the other creatures? If it be
said that he sent all, then why not believe that all
are prophets. If formerly people lived for 950 years,
why do they not attain that age now? This statement
is also wrong.
"God produceth creatures, and will hereafter restore them
to life: then shall ye return unto Him. And on the day
whereon the hour shall come, the wicked shall be struck
dumb for despair. And they who shall have believed, and
wrought righteousness, shall take their pleasure in a
delightful meadow: Yet if
should send a blasting wind, and they should see their
corn yellow and burnt up. This hath God sealed up the
hearts of those who believe not." (30: 10, 11, 14, 50,
~ If God ordains Creation twice and not thrice, He must
be sitting idle before the first Creation and after
the second, and will lose all vitality after creating
the world twice. If the sinners are struck dumb with
despair on the day of judgment, so much so good, but
we hope that this verse does not mean that all except
the Mohammedans will be branded as sinners and struck
dumb with despair, for at many places in the Qoran by
the word of sinner is meant a non-Mohammedan.
the Mohammedan paradise consists of residence in a garden
and adornment of the body, it is just lie this world.
In that case it is necessary y that gardeners and goldsmiths
should be there or God should do their work. Again,
if some denizen of paradise gets a smaller number of
ornaments, he might commit theft and be hurled down
into hell. If it be so the doctrine of eternal heaven
would be falsified.
God superintends agriculture operations, He must needs
have gained some experience in the agricultural art!
Even if it be believed that God being Omniscient knew
all this, He cannot escape from the charge of having
bullied and blustered. If God sealed the hearts of men
and caused them to commit sin, He must be held answerable
for the offence and not men; even as the Commanders
are held responsible for defeat or victory, so God must
be regarded answerable for sins.
"These are the signs of the wise book. He hath created
the heavens without visible pillars to sustain them,
and hath thrown on the earth mountains firmly rooted,
lest it should move with you. Dost thou not see that
the God causeth the night to succeed the day, and causeth
the day to succeed the night? Dost thou not see that
the ships run in the sea, through the favor of God,
that He may show you of his signs?" (31: 1, 9, 28, 30.)
~ How funny! That a book like this should be regarded
full of wisdom even though it teaches things opposed
to science, such as the creation of the heavens without
visible pillars to sustain them and the fixing of the
mountains in the earth with a view to keep them immovable.
Even persons who are a little bit educated cannot write
such nonsense or believe in such balderdash. Again,
wise is the statement that the day is entangle with
the night and night with day! Every body knows that
day and night co-exist. The Qoran cannot be a book of
true knowledge, for this statement is absolutely foolish.
It is not opposed to true knowledge to say that the
ships run into the sea through the favor of God when
in reality they are propelled by machinery and by sailors?
Would not the sign of God ( a ship) sink if it was made
of iron or stone? Verily this book cannot have been
written either by God or by a learned man.
Allah limited by space like man?
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125. "He governeth all things from heaven even to
the earth, hereafter they shall return unto Him, on
the day whose length shall be a thousand years, of those
which ye compute. This He who knoweth the future and
the present; the Mighty, the Merciful. And then formed
him into proper shape, and breathed of His Spirit into
him; say; the angel of death, who is set over you, shall
cause you to die�If we had pleased, we had certainly
given unto every soul its direction: but the word which
hath proceeded from me must necessarily be fulfilled,
when I said, verily I will fill hell with both genii
and men." (32: 4, 5, 8,10, 12.)
~ Now it is quite clear that the God of the Mohammedans
is limited by space like man, for if He were Omnipresent,
it could not be said of Him that He is stationed at
a particular place for the purpose of carrying on administrative
work and that He descends and ascends. He cannot but
be regarded as limited by space if He sends down angels
and Himself remains hung up in the sky, while His emissaries
are sent about on errands. How could God know it, if
His angels were bribed into perverting the facts of
a case or sparing the life of a doomed person.
could find out only if He were Omniscient and Omnipresent,
but that He is not. If He had been so, where was the
need of sending angels and testing people in any way?
Again, He cannot be said to be Omnipotent, because it
takes a thousand years to arrange for the return of
His emissaries. If there is an angel of death, what
is there that will bring about his death? If it be said
that that angel is eternal, then it will have to be
believe that God is not Incomparable at least so far
as eternity is concerned. One angel cannot ask many
people to repair to hell simultaneously, and if God
looks at the fun after filling hell with innocent people
who have been doomed to torture, he is
unjust and merciless. A book teaching such things cannot
be the work of God or of a learned man, while a being
devoid of justice and mercy cannot be Divine.
"Say, light shall not profit you, if ye fly from death
or from slaughter: O wives of the Prophet, whosever
of you shall commit a manifest wickedness, the punishment
thereof shall be doubled unto her twofold, and this
is easy with God." 33: 16, 30.)
~ Mohammad wrote or dictated this verse to keep people
from running away from the field of battle so that victory
might be assured to his army, his soldiers might not
dread death, his wealth might increase and his religion
might spread. If the wife of the prophet is not to appear
in public shamelessly (without a veil), why should the
prophet do so. It is just that the wife should suffer
for this offence and the prophet escape scot free.
father-in-law lusting after his daughter-in-law.
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127. "And abide still in you houses; � and obey God
and his apostle: But when Zaid had determined the matter
concerning her, we joined her in marriage unto thee;
lest a crime should be charge on the true believers
in marrying the wives of their adopted sons, when they
have determined the matter concerning them: and the
command of God is to be performed. No crime is to be
charged on the prophet ad to what God hath allowed him.
Mohammad is not the father of any man among you:.. and
any other believing woman if she hath given herself
unto the prophet; Thou mayest postpone the urn of such
of they wives as thou shalt please in being called to
thy bed, and thou mayest take unot thee her whom thou
shalt please and her whom thou shalt desire: and it
shall be no crime in thee. O true believers! Enter not
the houses of the prophet." (33: 32, 37, 38, 40, 49,
51, 53.)
~ It is extremely unjust that the women should be immured
within the four walls of the house like prisoners and
men permitted to roam about freely. Do not women feel
a desire to breathe fresh air, to walk about in open
space, and to view the phenomena of nature. This invidious
distinction accounts for the fact that Mohammedan youths
are peculiarly vagrant and licentious. Do God and His
prophet issue one and the same command or do they
different and contradictory injunctions? If the former
is the case, it is useless to say that the command of
both should be obeyed, but if the latter is the case,
then one injunction should be true, and the other false.
Thus one of these beings would be like God and he other
like the Devil and the latter will share homage with
the former. What to say about the God of the Qoran and
the prophet who wrote a book permitting the attainment
of selfish ends at the sacrifice of the good of others!
It is also clear that Mohammad was lascivious, for if
he had not been so, he would not have taken his daughter-in-law
as wife.
God also proved Himself to be biased by ruling an unjust
act to be just. Even a savage considers his daughter-in-law,
sacred. How unjust it is that the prophet did not fell
the least compunction in obeying a wild and sinful impulse.
If the prophet was father to no body, who was hen the
father of Zaid (the slave). One might ask that if the
prophet could not keep himself from a connection even
with his own daughter-in-law, how could he restrain
his passions where other women were concerned?
sophistical reasoning cannot mitigate the enormity of
an offence like this. Would it have been right if some
other married woman had of here own free will desired
to lead the prophet to the hymeneal altar? How cruel
that the prophet was at liberty to divorce a wife whenever
he chose to do so, while his wife was deprived of the
right of obtaining a divorce even if he wad guilty of
misconduct! If it was necessary that no body should
enter the house of the prophet with adulterous intent,
it was likewise necessary that the latter should also
not do an act like this.
could it be right for the prophet to act as if he had
a license in this matter and still to exact admiration?
He would indeed be a perfect idiot who would believe
the Qoran to be revealed, Mohammad to be a prophet and
Mohammedan God to be an Omnipotent Lord. It is passing
strange that the Arabs believed in such idiotic and
unrighteous statements.
Allah subject to pain?
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"Neither is it fit for you to give any uneasiness to the
Apostle of God nor to marry his wives, after him, for
ever: for this would be a grave offence in the sight of
God. As to those who offend God and His Apostle, God shall
curse them in this world. And they who shall injure the
true believers of either sex, without their deserving
it, shall surely bear the fruit of calumny
a manifest injustice. And being accused, wherever they
are found they shall be taken, and killed with a general
slaughter. O Lord give them the double of our punishment,
and curse them with a heavy curse." (33: 53, 57, 58,
62, 68.)
~ Now mark! Is the Mohammedan God asserting His Omnipotence
in an equitable manner? If it was right to command people
not to inflict pain on the prophet, it was also, proper
to adjure the prophet not cause suffering to others.
Why did he not do so? Is God subject to pain? If He
is, then He cannot be God. Does not the injunction to
abstain from causing suffering to God and His prophet
imply that they both are free to inflict pain? If it
is not a good thing to injure Mohammedans and their
wives, it is equally bad to torment others. If this
view of the question be not accepted, then God and His
prophet should be believed to be biased and anxious
to sow discord.
are very few people in the world who are so merciless
as these two. Would not the Mohammedans feel aggrieved
if some body ordained that they should be pinioned and
killed, as, the Qoran has done in the case of non-Muslims.
The prophet was very hardhearted, for he prayed to God
that Non-Muslims should receive double the punishment
awarded to Mohammedans. This statement also is selfish
and unrighteous. Perhaps those are scapegraces among
the Mohammedans who do things like that. Truly has it
been said that an untutored man is like unto a beast.
"It is God who sendeth the winds, and raiseth a cloud;
and we drive the same unto a country, dead (from drought)
and thereby quicken the earth after it hath been dead;
so shall the resurrection be. Who hath caused us to
take up our rest in a dwelling of eternal stability,
through His Bounty, wherein, no labor shall touch us,
nor shall any weariness affect us." (35: 9, 35.)
~ What a strange philosophy does God preach? He sends
the winds and raiseth a cloud, and by means of these
brings the dead into life. This cannot be predicated
of the true God, for He always acts in a consistent
manner. A house cannot stand unless it has been made,
and whatever had been made cannot last
ever. Whoever has got a body would feel miserable if
he had nothing to do and is subject to disease. If this
is true in the case of a person holding sexual intercourse
with one man, how much more so it in the case of him
who cohabits with many wives. His lot would indeed be
pitiable. Hence Mohammedans cannot enjoy genuine happiness
evening paradise.
the Qoran were the work of God, how could He swear
by it?
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130. " I swear by the instructive Qoran, that thou
art one of the messengers of God, sent to show the right
way. This is revelation of the most Mighty, the Merciful
God." (34: 1 - 4.)
~ If the Qoran were the work of God, how could He swear
by it? If the prophet had been a messenger of God, he
would not have fallen in love with his daughter-in-law.
It is foolish to assert that the believers in the Qoran
are on the straight path, for he alone is said to tread
that path who believes in truth, utters truth, acts
in conformity with truth and shapes his conduct in accordance
with the dictates of Dharma (duty) which consists of
justice and freedom from prejudice and forsakes all
that is opposed to them. Neither the Qoran nor the Mohammedans
nor their God satisfies these conditions. If Mohammad
had been the greatest prophet, he would have been the
most learned and the most virtuous among men. The praise
of Mohammedanism by Mohammad is like the praise by a
coaster-monger of his own plums.
"And the trumpet shall be sounded again, and behold
they shall come forth from their graves, and hasten
unto their Lord.
And their hands shall speak unto us, and their feet
shall bear witness of that which they have committed.
His command, when He willeth a thing, is only that he
saith unto it "Be!" and it is." (36: 50, 63, 80.)
~ How absurd! Can the feet ever give evidence? When
there was none else except God, to whom did be issue
the command and who heard it and what came into existence?
If there was nothing else at that time, this statement
is false and if there was something else, then the statement
that there was nothing else except God must be thought
to be false.
of alcohol forbidden on earth, but not in Paradise.
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"A cup shall be carried round unto them, filled from a
unruffled fountain, for the delight of those who drink;
and near
shall lie the virgins of paradise, refraining their
looks from beholding any besides their spouses, having
large black eyes, and resembling the egg of an ostrich
covered with feathers from the dust. And Lot was also
one those who were sent by us. We delivered him and
his whole family, except an old woman, his wife, who
perished among those that remained behind; afterwards
we destroyed the others."43:,44, 45, 48, 57, 131, 133,
~ Well! The Mohammedans cry that it is a sin to drink
wine on this earth but in their paradise streams of
wine flow. It is good that Mohammedans have rendered
some service to the cause of temperance here, but they
have been more than compensated for this abstinence
in paradise. So many women have been allotted to each
man there, he would find it difficult to fix his affections
on one. The place must be afflicted with maladies. If
the dwellers have go t bodies, they must die and if
they have go no bodies, they cannot gratify their lust.
then is the use of paradise? If you believe that Lot
was a prophet, do you also believe what is recorded
in the Bible that he begot children of his own daughters.
If you do, it is foolish to regard such a person a prophet.
If your God grants salvation to such persons and their
associates He must also be like them. A being who recites
old wives' tales and kills other people through prejudice
cannot be God, for such a God can only live in a Mohammedan
house and nowhere else.
is not eternal, must perish.
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"Gardens of perpetual abode, the gates whereof shall stand
open unto them. As they lie down therein, they shall there
ask for many sorts of fruits, and for drink; and near
them shall sit virgins of paradise, refraining their look
from beholding any besides their spouses, and of equal
age with them."
"And all the angels worshipped him, except Eblis, who
was puffed up with pride and became an unbeliever. God
said unto him, "O Eblis, what hindereth the from worshipping
that which I have created with my hands? Art thou elated
with vain pride? Or art thou really one of the exalted
ones?" He answered, " I am more excellent than he; thou
hast created me of fire and hast created him of clay."
God said unto him, "Get thee hence therefore, for thou
shalt be driven away from mercy: and my curse shall be
upon thee, until the day judgment." He replied, "O Lord,
respite me therefore, until the day of resurrection,.
"Verily thou shalt be one of those who are respited
until the day of the determined time." Eblis said, "By
the might do I swear I will surely seduce them all."
(38: 49, 50, 51, 70 - 78.)
~ If there are gardens an orchards in paradise as stated
in the Qoran, they neither have existed from eternity
nor can they remain there for ever, for the things which
result form the combination of elements, did not exist
before that combination and will surely cease to exist
after Dissolution. When these things will disappear
form paradise, how can the dwellers live there for ever?
The very fact that the Arabs have been promised cushions,
cushioned seats, pillows, fruits and drinks, proves
that Arabia was not in affluent circumstances at the
time the Mohammedan religion was founded. It was for
this reason that Mohammad entrapped the poor people
into his net by holding out to them temptations.
happiness cannot reign where women are to be found.
Where did these women come from? Are the dwellers of
paradise or have they been imported? If they have been
imported, they will surely go back and if they permanently
dwell there, what were they doing before the day of
resurrection? Were they idling away their lives? Not
look at the resplendence of God whom all the angels
except Satan obeyed by paying homage to Adam; Satan
alone held aloof. God said to Satan, "I have made him
with both my hands, do thou, therefore, not be proud."
shows that the God of the Qoran was a two-handed person.
He cannot, therefore, be Omnipresent and Omnipotent.
Satan was right in saying that he was better than Adam.
Why was the resentment of God excited at this? Is the
house of God in the sky and not on earth? Why was Kaba
at first called the house of God? How can God separate
Himself from His Creation? All this creation belongs
to the true God.
shows that the God of the Qoran was a landlord in paradise.
God curse and rebuked Satan and sent him to jail. Satan
said, "O Lord! Release me till the day of judgment."
God being not insensible to flattery complied with his
request. When Satan was free, he said, "Now I will tempt
people and raise the standard of rebellion." God retorted,
"Whoever is tempted by you will be hurled into hell
by me along with thee." Gentle reader! Just consider
whether God tempted him
he was tempted of his own accord. If God did it, He
was greater Devil of the two, and if Satan was tempted
on his own accord, other people can also be tempted
likewise. Where then is the need of Satan? In so far
as God let the rebel Satan loose, He also was responsible
for the mischief wrought by the fiend. Who can be more
unjust than the being who instigates theft and then
sits in judgment over the thief?
is unjust to forgive sins.
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134. "God forgiveth all sins: for He is Gracious
and Merciful. Since the whole earth shall be but His
handful on the day of resurrection; and heavens shall
be rolled together in His right hand. And the earth
shall shine by the light of its Lord: and the books
shall be laid open, and the Prophets and the martyrs
shall be brought as witnesses; and judgment shall be
given." (39: 53, 67, 69.)
~ If God forgives all sins, He leads the entire world
to unrighteousness. He is also merciless, for if a wicked
man is shown mercy and forgiven, he will commit more
mischief and cause suffering to many a good man. Even
if the slightest offence is left unpunished, the world
will become full of sin. Is God Resplendent like fire?
Where is the page of destiny and who writes it? If God
dispenses justice with the aid of prophets and witnesses,
he must be of limited knowledge and power. If he is
not unjust and dispenses uniform justice, he must be
dealing with all people according to their past deserts.
Deeds must have been done either in the past birth or
in the present one. It is, then, clearly unjust to forgive
sins, to seal the hearts, to keep people in ignorance
to let the Devil tempt them, and subject them to torture.
"The Revelation (sending down of the Book) is from God,
the Almighty, all-Knowing, forgiver of sin and receiver
of penitence." (40: 1, 2.)
~ This has no other object than that the credulous and
unwary should accept this book as one form God - a book
- which along with few truths it contains, choked with
untruths, which only tend to markedly detract from the
value of the former. Hence the Qoran and the God of
the Qoran, as well as those who are believers in this
book, only lend their support to wickedness and iniquity
, and not only commit sin themselves but lead others
do it. For it is most sinful to overlook or connive
at iniquity. It is such Qoranic teaching that emboldens
the Mohammedans to commit sin and to delight in war
and bloodshed.
this your almight Allah?
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136. " And He made the seven heavens in two days,
and in each heaven made known its office.
Until when they reach it, their ears, their eyes and
their skins shall bear witness against them of their
deeds. And they shall say to their skins, "Why witness
ye against us?" they shall say, "God Who giveth a voice
to everything, hath given us a voice." 40: 11, 19, 20,
~ Well done! Ye Mohammedans. Is this your Almighty God?
It took Him two whole days to fashion the seven heavens.
The real Almighty God can fashion the whole universe
in the twinkling of an eye. When God has made the ears,
the eyes and the skin lifeless and destitute of consciousness,
how can they bear witness against anyone? If you ere
to assert that He could endow these with consciousness
(on the day of judgment), would not you be virtually
asserting that He would infringe His own law?
is utterly, incredibly baseless (in the foregoing quotation)
is the assertion that when the organs and limbs bore
witness against the souls, the latter began to ask their
respective organs and limbs why they had borne witness
against them. This is an astounding assertion like that
of a man who would affirm that he saw the face of the
son of a woman affected to sterility. And if she is
really barren, it is simply impossible for her to have
an offspring.
God brings the dead to life, why does He smite them
first? Can he die Himself? If the answer be in the affirmative,
why does He consider dying a bad thing? And in which
Muslim's house shall the souls stay till the arrival
of the day of judgment, and why has God postponed indefinitely
the decision of their cases without any fault on their
part? Why did not He pronounce His judgment in respect
of each without delay? Things like these are a blot
on Godhead.
some women to life of sterility.
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"His, the keys of the Heavens and of the Earth! He giveth
with open hand or sparingly, to whom He will.
createth what He will, and He giveth daughters to whom
He will, and sons to whom He will,
Or He giveth them children of both sexes, and He maketh
who He will childless.
It is not for man that God should speak with Him, but
by vision, or from behind a veil.*
Or, He sendeth a messenger to reveal what He will."
(40: 48, 49, 50, 51.)
~ God must be possessed of an inexhaustible stock of
keys considering that he must unlock each and all places.
Again it argues childishness on His part to bless with
plenty and super-abundance whosoever He pleases regardless
of his merits, or to take away the same from any without
weighing his demerits. If God is such a creature of
mere whim, He is unjust. Mark the extraordinary cleverness
of the author of the Qoran!
is expressly designed to captivate and entrap the females
also. If the Mohammedan God can create whatever He pleases,
can He then create another God? If He cannot, are we
to understand that His Omnipotence here has come to
a dead halt? And if it is God that grants offspring
unto men, who is it that grants the same unto fowls,
fishes, pigs, etc., that have a more numerous progeny?
And why cannot He grant offspring (to mortals) unless
men and women cohabit?
does He condemn some women to a life of sterility and
thereby afflict them? He must indeed be a glorious God,
considering that no one can talk in His presence! But
has not He already declared in a certain place that
He can be talked to from behind a curtain, and that
the angels as well as the prophet
* Hussain comments thus on this
verse in his Tafsir Hussaini, "Mohammad was between two
curtains, one made of God and the other made of white
pearls and the distance between them was such as could
be covered by a traveler in seventy years." Let the enlightened
reader decide whether it was God or a purda lady who speaks
from behind a curtain. These people (Mohammedans) have
indeed degraded the very idea of God head, Oh! What a
difference between the All-holy Supreme spirit spoken
of by the Upanishads and other true books, and the God
of the Qoran who speaks from behind a purda. The fact
is that the Arabians were quite illiterate, they could
not have talked sense.
speak to Him? If this assertion about the angels and
the prophet be true, they must be taking good care to
make God thoroughly play into their hands. Should you
argue that God is All-knowing and All-pervading ( as
He really is), this assertion about His talking from
behind a curtain and obtaining news as if it were by
post would be utterly meaningless. If He stands in need
of such agencies, He could not be God. He must be rather
come shrewd piece of humanity. Hence the Qoran can never
be of Divine origin.
sent Jesus whose teachings oppose the Q�uran.
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138. "And when Jesus came with manifest proofs."
(442: 59.)
~ If Jesus too was sent by God, why did He then send
down the Qoran whose teaching is opposed to that of
Christ? Again, since the Biblical teaching is opposed
to that of the Qoran, neither of these is a Divine revelation.
"Seize ye him and drag him into the midfire (where they
shall stay)�.and we will wed them to the virgins with
large black eyes."" (44: 43, 50.)
~ This is indeed strange that a Just God should have
men caught and dragged! When such is the Muslim God,
can there be any wonder if His Mohammedan worshippers
pounce upon the weak and the helpless and upon orphans,
and drag them? Again, does He help in the celebration
of marriages? If so, He is a match -maker to the Muslims,
something resembling their own Qazis.
"When ye encounter the infidels, strike off their heads,
till ye have made a great slaughter among them, and
of the rest make fast the fetters." (47: 4.)
"And how many cities were mightier in strength than
the city, which hath thrust thee forth! We destroyed
them, and there was none to help them." (47: 14.)
"A picture of the paradise which is promised to the
Godfearing! There in are rivers of water, which corrupt
not, rivers of milk whose taste changeth not: and rivers
of wine, delicious to those who quaff it." (47: 16.)
"And rivers of honey clarified: and therein are all
kinds of fruit for them from their Lord." (47: 17.)
~This shows that the Qoran, its God, and the Mohammedans
are guilty of having disturbed the peace of the world,
inflicted great suffering on the human race and of being
selfish and altogether destitute of fellow-feeling.
Would not the Mohammedans also suffer, if the non-Mohammedans
were to pay them in their own coin? It was indeed very
unjust of God to have destroyed cities that turned out
(the Mohammedan) paradise, in which rivers of pure water,
milk and clarified honey flow, be any better than this
mortal world. Rivers of milk, whose taste changeth not,
cannot exist, because it turns sour in a short time.
The enlightened people do not believe in the Mohammedan
faith since it inculcates such incredible and inhuman
the earth stationary?
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142."When the earth shall be shaken with a shock,
and the mountains shall crumble with a crumbling and
shall become scattered dust." (55: 4, 6.)
"Then the people of the right hand, what shall be the
people of the right hand! And the people of the left
hand, what shall be the people of the left hand." (56:8,9>)
"On coaches in wrought with gold and studded with stars
reclining on them face to face: aye -blooming youths
go round about to them, with goblets and ewers and a
cup of flowing wine, their brows ache not from it nor
fails the sense: and will such fruits as shall please
them best, and with flesh of such birds, as they shall
long for and theirs shall be the Houris, with large
dark eyes, like pearls hidden in their shell." (56:
15 -22)
"And on lofty beds. Of a rare creation have we created
the Houris and we have ever made them virgins, dear
to their spouses, of equal age with them." (56: 31,
"And fill your bellies with it. I swear by the falling
stars." (56: 54, 74.)
~ Now mark the strange assertions of the author of the
Qoran! As it is, the earth is always in motion and will
therefore be moving also at the time referred to by
Him. It proves, however, one thing, namely, that the
author of the Qoran believed the earth to stationary.
Will He make the mountains fly as if they were so many
if they are transformed into insects and moths, they
shall retain minutest bodies. Why then deny that they
may be born again?
Were not the Muslim God corporeal, how could anyone
stand on His right or left (as asserted in the Qoran)?
the inmates of paradise always keep sitting idle, reclining
on their pillows, or do they ever do anything? If they
keep sitting idle, they could not properly digest their
food, which must produce disease and thus carry them
early to their graves. But it they do any work, they
must be earning their livelihood in paradise after the
fashion of mortals here. What is there then to distinguish
paradise from this world? Of course nothing.
those boys always live in paradise, their parents as
well as their fathers - and mothers-in-law must also
do the same. This means that it must be a big colony
there wherein diverse kinds of disease are bound to
prevail on account of the accumulation of the night
soil and other kinds of filth.
(as asserted) they eat fruits, drink water out of tumblers
and quaff wine out of wine-cups, why would not they
be subjected to head-aches, and indulge in unbecoming
expressions? If it be a fact that they surfeit themselves
there with fruits and with the flesh of birds and beasts,
they are sure to be afflicted with various kinds of
disease and suffering.
must also be slaughter-houses as well as butchers' shop
in paradise and bones must be scattered here and there.
Verily, it is hard to sufficiently praise the Muslim
Paradise! It seems as if it is even superior to Arabia!
Of course when they become inebriate by free indulgences
in meat and wine in paradise, they must stand in need
of beautiful girls and handsome youths, otherwise the
potations might affect their brains, and thereby transform
them into raving maniacs! It is
that there should be a sufficient number of beds to
accommodate so many people in paradise.
course it stands to reason that there should be youths
in paradise when God had created virgins there. But
we are told that the virgins in paradise are destined
to be united to those male mortals who repair to paradise
from this world. What about those male youths then who
perpetually swell in paradise? God has kept reticent
as regards their marriage, will they also along with
the virgins be surrendered to their candidate-mortals
from this world?
has thrown no light on this point, and it must be regarded
as a great omission on His part. If women in paradise
are united to men of the same age, it is not, since
the male should always be twice as old as the female
or even older. So much regarding the Mohammedan paradise,
as regards the Mohammedan hell, its inmates will have
to feed on (thohar) Euphorbia nereifolia [This means
that there are thorny trees in hell baring thorns],
and drink hot water. Such then are the sufferings they
will be afflicted with in hell.
a servant of Muhammad?
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143. "Why, O Prophet dost thou hold that to be forbidden,
which God hath made lawful to thee, from a desire to
please thy wives, since God is lenient, and merciful.
Verily God is his protector. Happily if he put you both
away, his Lord in exchange will give him wives better
than you, Muslims, believers, devoutly penitent, obedient,
observant of fasting, both known of men and virgins."
(50: 1, 5)
~ If we reflect a little on the above, we shall see
that God is but a servant of Mohammad to manage his
affairs - internal as well as external! Two stories
are told in connection with the first verse. One is
that Mohammad was excessively fond honey and
He had many wives, and one day he was delayed while
taking this drink in a house of one of them. The delay
rather irritated his other wives. Mohammad then swore
that he would never again drink honey and water. The
second story is that one night Mohammad was to go to
a particular wife of his. She was not there - in fact
she was gone to her father's house; Mohammad, therefore,
sanctified a female slave of his! When the wife referred
to came to know of this, she became angry with the prophet
and made him swear that he would never do such a thing
again, while he asked her to bind herself to observe
the secrecy, she promised not do disclose the matter
to anyone. But then he went to another wife of his and
narrated the story to her. God then inspired Mohammad
with this verse:-
dos thou consider that to be forbidden which God hath
made lawful?" etc. Le the wise declare if ever God acts
as an arbitrator in the household affairs of any man.
And as regards Mohammad's character, sufficient light
is thrown on it by the aforementioned stories, for how
can a man, who is the husband of many wives, be either
a pious man or a prophet? Again, is he not partial,
and therefore, sinful who, actuated by partiality, disgraces
one wife and honors another. And how can he, who, not
being content with many wives, co-habits with his slaves,
be moral, God-fearing and pious? Some one has well said:-
debauchee is not afraid or ashamed (or his turpitude)"!
Even the God of these people acted as judge deciding
disputes between the prophet and his wives. Let the
wise now say whether the Qoran is written by God or
is it the work of some ignorant, and selfish fellow.
Again, from the second verse it appears that when a
wife or Mohammad God angry with him, God threatened
her by saying that if she continued recalcitrant and
Mohammad divorced her on that account, He would give
him better wives, who had not had any sexual connection
with any man before. Any person, with a grain of sense
in him, can understand whether these are the doings
of God or of a being who is bent upon gaining his own
selfish ends. These things clearly show that God said
nothing of the sort, and that it was Mohammad, and not
God who
anything suited to the occasion to serve his selfish
purpose and attributed all these things to God. Not
only we but all thoughtful men will say that (the Mohammedan)
God was a mere procurer of wives for Mohammad.
" O Prophet, make war on the infidels and hypocrites
and deal rigorously with them." (66: 9.)
~ Again, mark the wonders wrought by the Mohammedan
God! He incites the Prophet and the Mohammedans to fight
with persons professing other religions. This is why
Mohammedans are always engaged in war. May God have
pity on the Muslims, so that they may give up fighting
and live on friendly terms with all.
a �remarkable� sense of justice!
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145. "And the heaven shall be rent asunder, for on
that day it will be fragile." (69: 16)
"And the angels shall be on its sides, and over them
on that day eight shall bear up the throne of thy Lord."
(69: 17.)
"And he who shall bear his book given to him in his
right hand shall say to friends, "Take ye it; read ye
my book"."69: 19.)
"But he who shall have his book given to him in his
left hand will say, "O, that the book had never been
given!" (69:25.)
~ What a deep philosophy, and what a remarkable sense
of justice! Can the heaven be ever divided? It is like
a piece of cloth that it can be rent? If you call the
sky above heaven, it is against the dictum of science.
There is no doubt now as to the God of the Qoran being
corporeal, since none who has not a body can sit on
a throne and order it to be borne by eight men on their
shoulders. Besides, front and behind can only be predicated
of one that has a physical body.
God is corporeal, He is necessarily limited to a certain
place and, therefore, cannot be Omniscient, Omnipresent,
Almighty, nor can He be cognizant of the deeds of all
souls. To place books (of their deeds) in the right
hand of the virtuous and have it read out and then send
them to heaven, while to place books (of their deeds)
in the left hand of the wicked and send them to hell,
and to dispense justice with the help of books are very
strange doings for an Omniscient God! Can an All-knowing
Being ever act like this? It is mere childish prattle.
day whose length is fifty thousand years?
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"By which the angels and the spirits ascend to him, in
a day whose length fifty thousand years."
day on which they shall flock up out of their graves
in haste, like men who rally to a standard." (70:4,
~ If the day equals fifty thousand years in length,
the night is bound to be the same. But if this is not
the case, the day can never be fifty thousand years
in length. Will God, His angels, and those who hold
the books of destiny in their hands keep sitting, standing,
or walking during all these fifty thousand years? If
so, then all these will fall ill and die again. Will
the dead rise from their graves and run towards the
court of God? And how will summons be sent to them in
their graves?
why are those poor people, some of whom are virtuous
while others wicked, kept confined to their graves during
all this time? Is the court of God closed in these days
and are He and His angels sitting idle? What could they
be possibly doing? They might (for aught we know) be
sitting in their places, wandering about hither and
thither, sleeping, or enjoying theatrical performances
and dances, and living a life of ease and luxury. Let
alone he Kingdom of God, such thing would never happen
under the rule of an earthly potentate. Who but savages
can believe all these things?
" For He it is who formed you by successive steps.
See ye not how God has created the seven heavens one
over the other.
And He has placed therein the moon as a light, and has
placed there the sun as a torch." (71:14, 16)
If God created the soul, it can never be eternal or
immortal. How can it then live for ever in paradise
when what is created must perish? How can God place
one heaven over another, since it is formless and all-pervading?
If you give the name of heaven to some thing other than
Akaash (ether), it would serve no useful purpose.
If heavens are placed one over the other, the sun and
the moon cannot be placed between them. If they are
placed in their middle, then only those that are immediately
above and below will be in light; all others, beginning
form the second heaven will be in darkness. But such
is not the case, hence all this is wrong.
"It is into God that the temples are set apart: Call
not then therein any other with God." (72:18.)
~ If this is true, why do the Mohammedans mention the
name of Mohammad in the formula, "There is no God but
Allah and Mohammad is His prophet." This is clearly
against the teachings of the Qoran, but if it is not
so, the verse of the Qoran referred to must be false.
If the mosques are the houses of God, then Mohammedans
are very idolatrous, since, it the Pauranics (Hindus)
and the Jainees are idolatrous, because they call idols
the houses of God, why are not Muslims not the same?
sun and moon together?
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149. "And the sun and the moon shall be together."
(75: 8.)
~Can the sun and moon ever join together? Mark! What
senseless talk is this! What purpose is served by joining
the sun and the moon, and why should not all worlds
be joined together? Can these impossible statements
have ever proceeded from God? Surely they cannot be
the inventions of any but the unenlightened.
intercourse in Paradise?
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150. "Aye, blooming youths round among them, when
thou lookest at them: thou wouldst deem them scattered
With silver bracelets shall they be adorned and drink
of a pure beverage shall the Lord give them." (76: 19,
~ Well Sir, why are boys of pearly complexion kept there?
Cannot those in paradise be satisfied with being served
by grown up men, and their desires being ministered
to by women? It would not be at all surprising of the
unnatural crime, which some of the most wicked people
commit with boys, had had its origin in this verse of
the Qoran.
why is in paradise partiality shown to some of the inmates
by providing them with servants? This must afford pleasure
to the served and be of a source of misery to the servants?
And if God fills their cups with wine for them, He is
more like one of their servants. What does His greatness
and glory then consist in?
do women become pregnant in paradise as the result of
sexual intercourse with men and do they give birth to
children? If they do not, the sexual connection is useless,
and if they do, whence do those souls come from? And
why are they born in paradise without having worshipped
God ( (on the earth)? If they are born there without
believing in the true religion, they enter paradise
without having deserved it. What can be more unjust
than that some should enjoy happiness by being religious
and others without it?
"They shall have meet recompense.
And the cups are full.
Ruh and the angels shall be ranged in order." (78: 25,
32, 36)
~ If the dead are judged according to their deeds, what
did Houris, angels, and boys of pearly complexion do
to deserve perpetual residence in paradise? When they
will drain whole cupful of wine, will they not become
intoxicated, and fight with each other? Ruh is here
name of an angel who is stronger than the rest. Will
God make Ruh and other angels stand in a line and form
them into a regiment? Will He invest it with power to
punish all (erring) souls? Will He himself at that time
be sitting or standing? If God were to gather all His
forces before the judgment day and thereby capture Satan,
His rule would become secure. Well! This is indeed God-head!
the sun be folded up?
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152. "When the sun shall be folded up.
And when the stars shall fall.
And when the mountains shall be set in motion.
And when the Heaven shall be stripped away." (80: 1
-3, 11.)
~ It is extremely foolish to say that the sun, which
is a sphere, will be folded up/ not how will the stars
fall, and how will the mountains, which are lifeless,
be set in motion? Again, is the sky a beast that it
will be stripped away? Only the most ignorant people
such as savages can talk like this.
"When the Heaven shall cleave asunder.
And when the stars shall disperse.
And when the seas shall be commingled.
And when the graves shall be turned upside down and
raised." (80: 1 - 4)
~ Bravo! Thou philosophic author of the Qoran! How wilt
thou be able to cleave asunder the Heaven and disperse
the stars? Are rivers logs of wood that they can be
sawn into pieces? Are graves dead bodies that they will
be raised? All these things are no better than childish
"By the star be-spangled heaven!
Yet it is a glorious Qoran written on the preserved
table." (85:1, 21.)
~ It is clear that the author of the Qoran had not at
all studied Geography and Astronomy, otherwise why would
he have compared the sky to a castle having towers?
If he calls Aries and the like constellations towers,
why does he not give the same name to other stars? There
are not towers but suns. If God was the author of this
Qoran, He too must indeed be destitute of knowledge
and reason, and sunk in the greatest depths of ignorance.
"They practice deceit against thee.
And I will practice deceit against them." (86: 46.)
~ Deceitfulness is synonymous with cheating. Is God,
too, deceitful? Is theft to answered by theft and a
lie by another lie? If a thief were to break into an
honest man's house, should the latter resort by robbing
the former? Bravo! Thou author of the Qoran!
Allah ride a camel?
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156. "And thy Lord shall come and the angels rank
on rank.
And hell on that day shall be brought there." 89: 23,
Does the God of these people, like a police inspector
or a commander, parade his forces? Is hell like an earthen
pitcher that it can be carried somewhere? If it is so
small, how will it be able to contain countless prisoners?
"And said the apostle of God to them - "Look after the
camel of God and let her drink water.
But they treated him as an impostor and hamstrung her.
So their Lord destroyed them for their crime, and visited
all alike." (101:15; 15, 18.)
~ Does God also go out for a ride on the camel? If not,
why does He keep that animal, and why did He break His
own law by afflicting these people with plague before
the day of judgment? If He afflicted them with this
disease, He must have done it by way of punishment,
then the day of Judgment and the judging of people on
that day cannot but be false. This verse about the camel
leads to infer that in Arabia there were but few animals
other than
came for people to ride on. This also proves that he
Qoran was written by a native of Arabia.
" Nay, verily if he desist not, we shall seize him by
the forelock, the sinful, lying forelock!
We too will summon the guards of hell. (126: 15, 16,
~ God did not escape performing the duties of a menial
servant - that of dragging a person. Can the forelock
be ever guilty and lying? It is only the soul that can
be so. Can He be God Who summons the guards of Hell
just as the governor )of a jail) sends for his warders?
the Q�uran revealed in one night?
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159. "Verily, we have caused it to descend on the
night of power. And who shall teach thee what the night
of power is? Therein descend the angels and the spirit
by permission of their Lord for every matter." (127:
1, 2, 4.)
~ If the whole of the Qoran was revealed in one night,
how can the assertion that a particular verse was revealed
at a particular time be true? When the night is dark,
everybody knows it to be so without being told. We have
already said that there is not up and down in space,
but it is said that the angels and the Holy Ghost, at
the command of God, come here to manage the affairs
of this world. This clearly proves that God, like men,
is confined to a certain place. So far the Qoran has
talked about a God, the angels and the prophet, now
we have got the mention of a fourth being, named, the
Holy Ghost. The fourth is an addition to the three personages
believed in by the Christians, namely, God, the Son
and the Holy Ghost. If you (Mohammedans) argue that
you do not believe these three to be God, let it be
so, but if the Holy Ghost is quite different from others,
should the other three be called holy spirits? If they
too are Holy spirits, why is only one particular person
called Holy Ghost. Again, God swears by night and day
, by horses and other animals, and by the Qoran, surely,
swearing is not resorted to by the good.
Q�uran is neither the worked of God nor an intelligent
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We lay this criticism on the teachings of the Qoran
before all thinking people. let them decide for themselves
as to what sort of book it is. As for your opinion,
we think that this book can
be the work of God nor that of an enlightened person,
nor does it contain knowledge. We have pointed out some
of its many faults so that people may not be taken in
and thereby waste their lives. Whatever little truth
it contains being in harmony with the teachings of the
Vedas and other scientific works, is acceptable to us
as it is to other wise and enlightened men who are free
from bigotry and religious prejudices.
rest is superstition and error. It increases the sufferings
of the human race by making man a beast, and disturbs
the peace of the world by promoting war and by sowing
the seeds of discord. Besides, the Qoran is simply replete
with useless repetitions. May God be Merciful unto all
men so that they may love one another, live together
in peace and a promote each other's happiness.
all enlightened men were, like us, to point out, in
an impartial spirit, various defects found in different
religions, it is not at all impossible that all quarrels
should cease, that people should live together in peace
all following one religion, and that truth should thus
triumph. The wise and the good, it is hoped, will understand
the motives which actuated the writer of these lines
and profit by what little has been said her about the
Qoran. They are requested to correct any mistakes that
might have crept into the book through error of judgment.
the Muhammad prophesied in the Vedas?
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Now there is only one thing left (before we are done
with this subject.) the Mohammedans, not often, say,
write or publish that the Mohammedan religion is spoken
of in the Atharva Veda. It will suffice to say that
there is not a word about this faith in the Veda in
-Have you read the whole of the Atharva Veda? If you
have refer to Allopanishad. It is given there in plain
words. Why do you then say that nothing is said in the
Atharva Veda about the Mohammedan religion? Here is a
passage from the Allopanishad: -
ille Mitra Varuna���allorasul Mohammad Akbarasya Allo
Mohammad is here spoken of as the prophet in unequivocal
terms, is a sufficient proof of the fact that the Muslim
faith has its origin in the Veda.
~ If you have not read the Atharva Veda, come to us
and look through its pages from beginning to end, or
you may go to any person who knows that book and read
with him all the verses given in its twenty chapters.
You will never find the name of your Prophet in it.
And as regards Allopanishad it is not given in the Atharva
Veda or in its ancient commentary, called the Gopath
Braahama or in any of its Shaakhaas (branches). We surmise
that some one wrote it in the reign of the Emperor Akbar.
Its author appears to have been a man who knew a little
of Sanskrit and Arabic, because in its text both Sanskrit
and Arabic words occur. For example, the Arabic words
Asmallam Ille and the Sanskrit words Mitra and
Varuna occur in the above passage and the same is seen
throughout the whole book.
we look to its meaning, it is altogether artificial,
unsound and opposed to the teachings of the Veda (while
the construction of words and sentences, is quite ungrammatical).
The followers of other creeds who are blinded by bigotry
have also likewise forged Upanishads such as Swarop
Upanishad, Narsinhatapni, Ramtapni, Gopal tapni.
- No one ever expounded this theory ( as regards the
Allopanishad) before; how can we then believe you?
~ Our statement cannot be wrong whether you believe
it or not.
contention can be accepted as true only when you, in
a manner similar to that in which we have shown it to
be wrong, point it (Allopnishad) out in the Veda, the
Gopath, or in any of its ancient Shakhaas and show satisfactorily
that the interpretation you put upon it is in harmony
with context.
- What a good religion is ours. By embracing it one
can enjoy all the pleasures of this world as well as
attain salvation hereafter.
~ Other sectaries also say "Our creed is the best, all
other are bad. No one can attain salvation without accepting
our faith." All that we believe is that truthfulness
in speech, love, fellow-feeling and the like virtues,
in whatever creed they may be found, are commendable,
while wrangling, and harboring of jealousy and hatred,
dissimulation and the like evil practices, advocated
by whatsoever creed they may, are condemnable. If you
are sincerely desirous of getting hold of truth, embrace
the Vedic religion.